Home Entertainment Juana Repetto showed her physical change and told her “recipe” to keep her figure

Juana Repetto showed her physical change and told her “recipe” to keep her figure

Juana Repetto showed her physical change and told her “recipe” to keep her figure

Giovanna Repetto again surprised his one and a half million followers on Instagram with a post dedicated above all to his own physical aspect a little over a year after becoming a mother for the second time.

In detail, the young actress posted two photos of her in a bikini and, next to it, he wrote a extended text in which he talked about the habits he has acquired to recover his figure and, last but not least, to be healthy.

“Without filter, with a clean face, missing and with delay … a reel I made in Miami. I share it with friends because they have a lot to do with the fact that I can see and feel good all those years ago“, began saying the daughter of Reina Reech and Nicolás Repetto.

“Every time I show myself half in balls, questions rain down on me ‘How can you be like this?’, ‘Do you eat well?’, ‘Do you kill yourself in the gym?’, ‘Do you live on a diet?’, ‘Do you eat little?’Juanita continued, as she is still called by the media.

And he replied: “General answer: acquiring healthy habits is the main key. I have learned to eat healthily, as well as take care of my weight, for a general health problem, I have learned that what we eat has an absolute influence on our health and even more so in our developing children.

“I stopped consuming at home and buying ultra-processed foods”was another of the suggestions that Bautista’s sister Lena, Renata, Valeria, Francisco and Nicolás Repetto left in that post.

In addition, the actress said that she “I haven’t been physically active for a long time”. And she reported news that surprised more than one of her followers: that he had started training, a fact he called “essential” for “health” and “maintaining or losing weight”.

“So that I can hold my healthy weight and with which I have been comfortable for many years and even with a pregnancy in between the accompaniment and motivation of the groups is fundamental“Juana added of a method she has used since she was pregnant Toribiohis firstborn.

In this sense, the daughter of the famous actress, choreographer and dancer recognized him “I was very afraid of not being able to return” to her figure after childbirth Bringer of warbe the second child.

And she said, “I’ve been through pretty much all (stages): descent, pregnancy, breastfeeding, 7k and maintenance. Thanks to the groups I had the will and the drive when I couldn’t and once super involved in the treatment I was able to learn how my body works, what to eat, eat for hunger and not for anxiety, eat a little bit of everything without restricting the food but in the right measure ».

“This is the key to me,” he said. And at the end of her open letter she revealed: “During the descent I kept to the food plan and managed to descend super fast and without suffering. But today really like everything, but in the right measure. Without going hungry, far from it. ”

In the comments of that publication, many of her followers congratulate her on her desire and devoted will. “I’m on a very similar path and the difference is significant. There are no turns, you have to learn to eat“said one follower.

“Always beautiful, Juani … but the best thing is your gift and the family you put together!”, said another user. Meanwhile, a third added: “Just like Juana! I started eating healthy and taking care of myself in March of this year and I’m better than ever! You are beautiful”.


Source: Clarin


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