Home World News Her large breasts prevented her from leaving her home for 2 years

Her large breasts prevented her from leaving her home for 2 years

Her large breasts prevented her from leaving her home for 2 years

Her large breasts prevented her from leaving her home for 2 years

Her large breasts prevented her from leaving her home for 2 years. Photo: PA Real Life

The bigger the better. That’s what is commonly believed about him. breast sizeone of the most attractive (and most used) female body parts when it comes to sex and flirting.

However, that is not always the case. Lucy Luxora 35-year-old woman, throughout her life large breasts. It’s too big. So when he came out on the street he not only attracted libidinous looks but also unpleasant and aggressive comments.

And the problem got worse after the birth of their daughter Molly, in 2016, when his chest grew even bigger.

Only now, after a long time, can he act more freely and he, gradually, your trust will be restored.

From adolescence, Lucy has had problems with the size of her breasts.  Photo: PA Real Life

From adolescence, Lucy has had problems with the size of her breasts. Photo: PA Real Life

“I don’t go to the supermarket”

Throughout her life, Lucy has had enormous breasts. In fact, the woman living in Somerset, Great Britain, first noticed her large breasts when she was just a teenager and needed to increase the size of her bra.

And he suffered because of the attitude of others towards him. But the situation it became more complicated after the birth of her baby and when she refused to breastfeed him.

“After giving birth to Molly, I lost my appetite for myself. I couldn’t even walk down the street without people looking at me.“, he said in dialogue with the DailyMirror.

He added that he was confined and she stayed at home for more than two years because of her excessive trembling in her breasts and that he did not even dare to go to the supermarket.

“To be honest, I’ve always felt like a weirdo,” he describes. “I was scared at school. A boy who was obsessed with me. he chased me to the bus stop“.

From myth to (difficult) reality

From her own experience, Lucy admitted that having big breasts is not as good as you think. “I remember when I was a teenager and men passing by were staring at me. Because of that long stare, I look like a monster. “

After Molly was born, Lucy noticed that her breasts had grown. “When I got out of the hospital, I didn’t wear a bra first. Then when I tried, I had to multiply. up one dimension“, he recalls.

“I started to think, ‘My God, they won’t go back to normal’. I lingered at that size because I was in denial and I couldn’t accept that I had to wear another one. But eventually, I have to, because my breasts keep dripping from the top of the cups. “

Lucy just bought baggy shirts to hide her breasts.  Photo: PA Real Life

Lucy just bought baggy shirts to hide her breasts. Photo: PA Real Life

But this is not all. Is that more than the comments she receives from people as big as her chest, Lucy, who lives with her mistress Mark, is live permanently with unbearable back pain because of the weight it carries.

“I have back pain every day, but some days, I can’t walk because I was in misery. I have to get a massage every two weeks to help my back, ”he told the British outlet.

And added: “I have the privilege of being able to afford that luxury. Most women with large breasts can’t do that. This is one hellbut I’m lucky, because I work from home in a small town where I have a car and I don’t have to use public transport ”.

Even upwards difficulty sleeping. In this sense, he said in an anecdote: “I made a mistake not to wear pajamas. I just quickly turned around and slapped my own chest, as if I had been hit by a heavy pillow! Again, I was just sleeping on my own. side to be comfortable. ”

permanent embarrassment

Over the years, bad experiences have embarrassed Lucy at her breasts. So now just buy a bra online.

“I was 20 when I went to try on one time. The saleswoman came out and loudly told my friend in the fitting rooms that there was no fit for me. I was so embarrassed.”

When it comes to buying clothes, women also prefer to hide their figure loose t-shirts. And choosing clothes is a nightmare because there are so many differences between her bottom size and her top size.

One of the most frustrating comments What Lucy gets from people is that she has to lose weight reduce the size of your chest. “I’ve lost 17 kilos since quarantine until now and less than an inch of my chest.”

love yourself

After years of feeling like a “weird”Lucy says she has learned to love herself since Molly, who is now five years old, started school.

For Lucy, the most important thing is to be happy with ourselves.  Photo: PA Real Life

For Lucy, the most important thing is to be happy with ourselves. Photo: PA Real Life

“I’ve met a lot of wonderful parents. They encouraged me to go to the park after class and do more things with them and Molly. -kwento-. These people made it so comfortable for me to turn out that even though I was anxious, they didn’t take it into account. They are great support“.

Although several times they suggested to him the idea of ​​undergoing a breast reductionhe clarified that this was not possible in all cases.

“Even if they decide to have a reduction (or bigger breasts, for that matter) it’s important to know that it doesn’t mean they won’t have problems or that it will solve their mental health issues,” she admitted.

“We just need to be happier with ourselves”left as a message.

Source: Clarin


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