Home Entertainment Ricardo Darín’s incredible anecdote about how the “Son of the bride” saved him from a theft

Ricardo Darín’s incredible anecdote about how the “Son of the bride” saved him from a theft

Ricardo Darín’s incredible anecdote about how the “Son of the bride” saved him from a theft

Like every time he attends the Spanish program the anthill, Ricard Darín left many titles in an unforgettable conversation he shared with Pablo Motos. In a few minutes they went from laughter to full emotion. They get into funny anecdotes and get serious when they talk about war, covid and global warming.

The son of the bridea film we carry in our hearts, will give you a lot of joy, but I think once he gave you a great deal of fear“, the driver suggested as if to introduce him to the subject.

With a smile on his face, Darín recalled the anecdote: “That’s funny. Over time they forget what the titles of the movies are. He didn’t know if that was the case The son of the bride, child’s girlfriend, I don’t know who the mother isbut it remains the collective unconscious, “he began.

Ricardo Darín told funny anecdotes on the Spanish program “El Hormiguero”.  TV Capture

Ricardo Darín told funny anecdotes on the Spanish program “El Hormiguero”. TV Capture

“Sometimes we were at a gas station early in the morning together German Palaciosmy partner Art for a long time here in Spain. We do theater tours and he went down to buy herbs for his partner to drink to return to Buenos Aires. We were on our way home from a town in the Province of Buenos Aires, far from home. We decided to go back without staying there because we really want to see our families, “he continued.

“I was driving and at a certain moment, as I was waiting at the steering wheel, at my window, which was lowered, a man appeared, with his usual leather jacket and his hand inside as if holding a gun, he was comes up to me and when he sees me He asks me ‘what are you doing here?’ I told him I loaded gas but he obviously came to rob me“reports the actor.

“When the man saw me he was startled and shouted at another man in the back: ‘Look who’s here, who’s here … your old woman’s boyfriend.’ The funny thing is what happened to me mentally. I thought I had never been there before and the man would kill me for a mistake. The other one came and when he saw me they both ran. After a while, I fell for the person I was talking to The son of the bride“He finished, to the laughter of everyone in the studio.

Focusing on the subject, Darín continued: “Another film that helped me a lot to save me was Nine Queens. For the thing most kids love about tricks and traps on the street. It has occurred to me that I meet two or three on the street as if I were the king of swindlers.. They’ve run out of it. “

Pablo Motos and Ricardo Darín had a fun chat once.  TV Capture

Pablo Motos and Ricardo Darín had a fun chat once. TV Capture

“You also once played with a dog to save yourself when you rented a house …”, the driver pointed out, waiting for another funny anecdote from Darín. And the actor didn’t disappoint: “I’m a little sad to say these things because they’re all related to possible robberies. Which doesn’t speak well of us,” he said.

But he finally complied with the request: “It’s dawn in a rented house where he’s doing a summer season at the theater. I heard strange noises like 5 in the morning and I came out in my underwear. It is a house with large windows and in front there are wooden shutters sliding. I could see a shadow crossing the window, until it reached the clearing and we made eye contact, “he describes.

“I’m wearing shorts and we’re both looking at each other as if we’re in the far west. I’m not very dressed, or armed, or whatever. It depends on who’s going to rock first or who’s going to make the first move. At From my soul, I swear I never even thought of it. I looked at him and barked at him“he said making everyone laugh.

“Not to exactly bark at it, but it’s something like that. The guy didn’t know I was a big dog … and it worked. It worked because the guy didn’t know if he was calling a giant dog to eat him, or if I was more mad than him. In either case, it worked because the man left. When I entered the house my husband was dying of ridicule and told me I was mad. And I don’t know why I became like that. ”

The covid, the war in Ukraine and the global warming

At another point in the interview, Ricardo Darín became serious and spoke about the various problems the world is going through. “Let’s go in very choppy water. I never understood the subject of wars. I didn’t understand then, I don’t understand now and I will never understand. It is very difficult to enter who is right. Even if you can clearly tell who doesn’t have it. “

“But what really dominates me or more of me is the unnecessary, unpaid and twisted deaths of so many civilians. Children, women, men, the elderly, people who really have nothing to do with the conflict. which on the other hand is due to small rivalries. Interests in many cases in economics or politics. For me, it’s a huge disproportion, ”the actor reflects.

We are getting used to horror. When it no longer became news on the front page of all newspapers and went to the second and third, what would happen? Do we run it as if it were our mail folders? We are used to it because we are used to the number of deaths and hospitalizations during the pandemic. We are behind a number every day to find out how many have died today, ”Darin lamented.

The actor is defined as "mad" everything related to the war in Ukraine.  TV Capture

The actor is defined as “mad” everything related to the war in Ukraine. TV Capture

“We forget that behind a number there are people, there are people, families. It’s insane, an absolute delirium. I can’t believe the world today believes that the way to stop this is just economic sanctions. I can’t believe it and it seems to hurt me. ”

And he continued his monologue: “The question that always stays with me is … what if the world stopped? It happened for other reasons. We need a real and deep awareness of society, community, or species. . We are the only species that torture and kill themselves. Not only to us, but also to the planet. We don’t have a name. “

“But in the face of what’s happening now … isn’t it true that one day the world will suddenly stop and we’ll all say ‘No, it’s not’? That’s my dream. I know naive and pretending. Too much. But nothing. I see another way out. As a society we are either drugged or numb. Let’s go from general to specific and specific covers the general. The situation is very difficult, “he complained.

“Another close and related issue is what we do on the planet. We all have at our fingertips enough information to know that everything we do on the planet condemns it and condemns ourselves. This species cannot survive on this planet, because we are doing everything wrong and the steps taken by the poor who resist it are not enough, “Darín denounced.

“Global warming. We’re seeing how the poles are melting. An analysis is being done to find out how big the seas have been in fifty years because of the melting of glaciers. And what are we going to do with it?What do the great powers that keep creating and creating money, money and money and they are engaged in that battle to see who is the most powerful? ”he asked himself, without getting the answer.

Ricardo Darín was thoughtful and spoke about global warming and protection of the planet.  TV Capture

Ricardo Darín was thoughtful and spoke about global warming and protection of the planet. TV Capture

“There is also a serious problem because the range of our gaze is so short. If I threaten your children or your possible grandchildren, you are horrified. But if I threaten your grandchildren, you don’t come. So we have to. mind the opposite: not what world we will leave to our children, but what children we will leave in this world“, he sentenced.


Source: Clarin


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