Home World News Spain: chinstrap is no longer mandatory in most enclosed spaces

Spain: chinstrap is no longer mandatory in most enclosed spaces

Spain: chinstrap is no longer mandatory in most enclosed spaces

Spain: chinstrap is no longer mandatory in most enclosed spaces

Masks will be mandatory only on public transport and some closed areas.

May 20, 2020 marked the beginning of an era in Spain: at that time, in the midst of the first wave of coronavirus in the world, the national authority imposed the mandatory use of masks.

pass 700 days since the said order was published in the Official Gazette and implemented. The same one that, after nearly two years, stop managing on Spanish territory starting this Wednesday.

It was approved by the Council of Ministers on Tuesday afternoon. Due to the drop in covid-19 cases, they have decided that the country’s residents will no longer be forced to wear face masks. in most of the places they attend.

In mid-December in Madrid, chinstrap was still mandatory in open spaces because of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus.

In mid-December in Madrid, chinstrap was still mandatory in open spaces because of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus.

In this sense, its use would be “responsibility of every citizen” when you know or feel you have been exposed to the virus.

However, there are exceptions: you should still use on public transport, including taxis; in health centers of all kinds; in dwellings (both visitors and workers); and pharmacies.

The Minister of Health, Carolina Darias, specified that it should be worn on air, trains, buses and “public transport for passengers and ships.” The newspaper El País added that, ultimately, it is when the distance can not keep 1.5 meters is recommended.

In the list of spaces where chinstraps continue to be mandatory, there are also health centers, services and establishments, and in residences, where only visitors and workers should wear them.

The Spanish Minister of Health pointed out that its use would be “the responsibility of every citizen”.

The Spanish Minister of Health pointed out that its use would be “the responsibility of every citizen”.

As for offices or other workplaces, the official reported that “It will not be mandatory as a general rule”. However, as in the case of transportation, he recommends its use when the recommended distance to prevent contagion cannot be guaranteed.

In the same line, Darias explained the reasons why this decision was made.

“It’s about an important day. This decision was made through a favorable epidemiological context, which allows the relaxation of one of the most symbolic elements of the pandemic. This is possible thanks to the high incidence of vaccination, “he reasoned.

About “responsible use”, he asked qualified people like “dangerous” that they become aware of their vulnerability to the virus and continue to use the chin whenever you can.

This message is aimed at people over 60 years of age, pregnant women and immunosuppressed patients or patients with previous chronic diseases.

Changes in the use of face masks in Spain

The law implemented in 2020 remained intact until June 2021, when the Spanish authorities decided for the first time in a year to change it.

At that time, they announced that the use of chinstraps outside was no longer mandatory, but clarified that in any closed space their use was still required.

The proposal took several months: in December 2021, due to the increase in cases due to the Omicron variant, they changed the order again and required their use again, even in open spaces.

That’s until February. Since then, the law has not been changed again until April 19, when they finally established an end to its use in most areas, closing a period.


Source: Clarin


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