Home Business Special retirements: report in the hands of the government warns they will generate a deficit of 162 billion dollars in 2023

Special retirements: report in the hands of the government warns they will generate a deficit of 162 billion dollars in 2023

Special retirements: report in the hands of the government warns they will generate a deficit of 162 billion dollars in 2023

The Government has carried out a study on the special pension schemes envisaged by the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This is a report produced in December by the Faculty of Economics at the request of the Social Security Secretariat of the Ministry of Labour, which analyzes the flow of funds from these schemes administered by ANSES and forecasts “growing deficits” in the coming years. .

In legislation, the special regimes refer to matters of merit or specificity of the activityso they offer different conditions for retirement, such as age requirements and lower years of service to retire, as well as additional contributions, ranging from 2 to 7%. In most cases they are related to the public sector, although there are some exceptions.

The confidential document to which Clarín has had access contains projections on contributions (personal contributions and employer contributions) and benefits of the judicial system, non-university teachers, university teachers, workers of the Río Turbio Carboniferous Field (YCRT), workers of Luz y Fuerza, scientific and technical researchers, and the nation’s foreign service.

The goal of the technical assistance, according to the report, is that it “provides strategic information on present and future obligations and income allow for the assessment of medium and long-term financing needs of each of the special schemes” on the basis of data on active and passive populations of each special scheme as at 31 March 2022.

Two formulas were used for the calculations. without considering the tax revenues with which they are financed today be the special regimes such as the general regime. One of them estimates the financial needs on the basis of contribution income and benefit payments (retirements, disability pensions and death pensions) for each scheme, including the current and projected passive population.

From there it was born that, in 2023, the academics regime shows a negative flow of 158 billion dollarsYes; Light and Power, $16,000 million; scientists and researchers, $4 billion; the foreign service, $2.3 billion; Y the judiciary, $300 million.

On the other hand, the pension scheme for university professors and YCRT workers reflects a positive result of $19,000 million and $2.5 million, respectively.

Global, projected all-regime shortfall is $162 billion in 2023, a figure that increases year on year to reach 688,000 million dollars in 2055.

“In terms of cash flows, it can be noted that for all forms (with the exception of University Teachers and YCRT) the income from contributions is lower than the benefits in the first year of assessment. For the forms in which the situation is at on the contrary, it reverses in the short term. In all schemes, increasing deficits are recorded as the population accessing pension benefits increases,” the report indicates.

The second method of calculation, known as the “supplementary scheme”, takes into account only the additional contributions from the employer and any contributions to the general scheme in relation to the additional benefits.

Therefore, the total cash flow is negative for all schemes and the deficits also increase as the beneficiary population increases, with a total deficit of $120,000 million in 2023.

As Clarín learned, the work portfolio has held meetings with the Ministry of Economy to analyze the special regimes, an issue that has been under the control of the government since 2020.

The study also commissioned by the authorities appears as one of the “structural” fiscal measures. necessary for the implementation of the program with the Fund.

“The Ministry of Labor in collaboration with the University of Buenos Aires is finalizing a study (end of December 2022) to facilitate the determination of options to strengthen the equity and sustainability of the system, including a reduction of fragmentation,” said the personal. in the last check.


Source: Clarin


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