Home Business The rent law, election spoils in the election year

The rent law, election spoils in the election year

The rent law, election spoils in the election year

As the rental market continues without resolving the distortions generated by the lack of real estate supply and high rental prices, possible changes to the rental law have become one of the electoral spoils of this election year.

Evidence abounds: in November 2021, when he was still the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Sergio Massa, called to “discuss” in Congress a new law on rents that would give “certainties” to the landlord and “guarantees and peace of mind” to the tenant. According to the current Minister of the Economy, this rule sanctioned in 2020, had failed”.

After, in December of last yearMassa has once again announced the Government’s intention to amend the Law due to the numerous inconveniences it has caused to tenants and landlords.

And last week it emerged that the minister and Alberto Fernández had agreed on a “suspension” of the regulation. There was talk of cancellation with a decree of necessity and urgency (DNU) ea return to previous legislation.

The news – which appeared amidst other complaints typical of electoral contexts – once again reawakened the enthusiasm of real estate companies, who were awaiting these changes once the law came into force. However, until now, everything remained mere announcement.

On Wednesday, the head of government of Buenos Aires, Hnario Rodríguez Larreta, took up the matter again and announced measures in favor of the tenants of the city of Buenos Aires. The announcement was given, coincidentally, in full internal policy of Together for Change, in which his main contacts maintain positions contrary to Larreta’s decision to separate the national elections from those of the Municipality. Something that has generated a strong rejection by Mauricio Macri, Patricia Bullrich and María Eugenia Vidal.

In this context, the package promoted by the Municipality promises relief measures such as structures to lower “access barriers” of tenants who need to make new contracts, access to rental credits and a bonus of up to 70% in the surety insuranceMoreover.

Regarding the announcement, the Professional Real Estate Association (CPI), which brings together the intermediaries of the City of Buenos Aires, indicated that the entity “supports any measure aimed at favoring the rental market of the City. In such a delicate situation As long as our sector lives, initiatives of this type are positive for the families of Buenos Aires, who are currently suffering from not being able to satisfy their right to housing,” they said in a statement.

“However, it is essential to remember that, This package of measures alone is unable to provide a definitive solution to the housing crisis affecting our city and its families.. This will only start to be resolved when the current rental law be replaced by a new standard, which should solve the most nefarious points, generalizing fiscal measures of the type announced”.

Along the same lines, and when questioned about the battery of announcements from politicians, the sector entrepreneur Oscar Puebla underlined that “the city government’s proposals are good, but If they don’t repeal the law, we won’t have any real estate to apply these incentives. For now everything remains the same or worse ”, synthesized.

Source: Clarin


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