Home Entertainment Antonio Gasalla between scandals, fights, health problems: what happens to the king of via Corrientes?

Antonio Gasalla between scandals, fights, health problems: what happens to the king of via Corrientes?

Antonio Gasalla between scandals, fights, health problems: what happens to the king of via Corrientes?

In these hours and for several weeks now Antonio Gasalla He is the talk of all the media for his personal situation, for his health problems rather than for his work. He left acting just over two years ago and the only news circulating about him these days shows him annoyed, moody, irritated and mistreating anyone who gets in his way with inappropriate answers and various insults.

But what happens if someone calls Gasalla on his cell phone? This reporter spent several days trying to contact the great comedian of the Argentine scene to propose an in-depth report. Until one afternoon the star answered the phone. First of all, I must say that, unlike what we have seen in the various entertainment programs (and their reruns on YouTube, with great success in views), I found a Gasalla to be kind and also very serene.

Gasalla, entering his apartment.  He doesn't mince words, much less with the noteros who harass him.  Photo Archive Clarin

Gasalla, entering his apartment. He doesn’t mince words, much less with the noteros who harass him. Photo Archive Clarin

Antonino, how are you? Listen, we wanted to have a chat with you, talk about everything. Your life, your career, your successes, your future…

-Oh dear, forgive me, but at the moment I don’t give notes.

-Look, it can be a very fun chat, we can have fun.

-I’m a very busy man, you know?

-What do you have to do?


In ‘The Palace of Laughter’, his successful TV cycle.

-Well, for starters I have to get my house in order, which is a mess. I hope you understand me.

-Yes of course.

-Let’s do this, give me a few days and call me later.

I found a real Gasalla. Responding, respectfully addressing the respectful request. Of course…

It’s not easy being Antonio Gasalla these days

The popular comedian born 82 years ago to Ramos Mejía, Vélez sympathizer for more information, is going through one of the most hectic and stormy phases of his life. And this in the case of Gasalla says a lot.

Faced with robberies, his family has just applied for guardianship, in an effort to preserve him.

Faced with robberies, his family has just applied for guardianship, in an effort to preserve him.

After a couple of legal proceedings in which there was talk of robberies and frauds perpetrated against his properties in the Barrio Norte (two apartments, one where he lives alone, on the ground floor, with garden, the other above, both valued at more than $700,000 each and nearly $1 million each), his closest circle of relatives just filed for guardianship in an effort to preserve him.

Born from the intersection of two words, curator and guardianship, the conservatorship is a system of guardianship and protection of the elderly, the disabled or those with some kind of problem. That is, a legal institution that was created to protect the person and property of the incapacitated adult.

Carlos, Antonio’s brother, had to take this and other measures when furniture, paintings and valuables disappeared from one of his apartments in an unclear way. Marcellus Polinoone of his closest people, commented on the broadcast of the D programthis american breakfastfrom the America channel.

Together with Marcelo Polino, his friend, on stage.

Together with Marcelo Polino, his friend, on stage.

“Antonio is going through a difficult moment in his health. With his family we are close to him, because he has had cognitive problems for two years – the journalist commented -. There is an investigation that the family has been carrying out for about a year, and I am collaborating to come to a good conclusion and take care of their assets, because they stole money and furniture, there were people who took advantage of this situation .

Antonio is losing his memory and sometimes he doesn’t recognize certain people who approach him and ask him to sign things, they manipulate him. People who broke into his house, we don’t know who, who approached him, told him that they had been lifelong friends, that they wanted to accompany him, to visit him.

A neighbor said a moving truck had turned up and brought furniture down from the upper floor. There is furniture that is worth millions of pesos. There are very important paintings, there are jewels. It appears that through some ruse someone removed a significant amount of that furniture, and that they paid 120,000 pesos for all the furniture,” Polino concluded.

Thursday 13 April, Guido Záfora, speaker for intrudersbroadcast the information that about twenty days ago a woman approached Gasalla while he was having a coffee in a corner of his house and was invited to his apartment.

In August 2020, Antonio Gasalla returned to a television studio after several months of absence.

In August 2020, Antonio Gasalla returned to a television studio after several months of absence.

“One Sunday Antonio goes out alone to have a coffee near his home and a woman approaches him. She starts talking to him about her career, they chat a bit and Antonio invites her to her house. She goes, stays a whole weekend and doesn’t want to leave. This obviously arouses the suspicions of Carlos, his brother, and when he leaves he finds this woman installed in his apartment.

They call the police, but they say they can’t enter the house, because he invited them. They tell him to wait until they go out for a drink. Antonio and this woman go out for coffee and a police scandal erupts in Antonio’s house. There was also Nieves, Carlos’s wife. They try to talk to the woman, but she stays in her shield, she didn’t want to leave. Until finally the police intervene and convince him to leave. Antonio, they say, was lost.

Neither he nor Carlos knew who this woman was. And police tell them that complaints are very common in the Recoleta neighborhood, where many elderly people live alone, by these people they call “caranchos,” who break into homes and tell landlords what they plan to do to them. , who will take care of them. This happened twenty days ago and obviously from there Antonio’s relatives started this matter of guardianship “.

Gasalla in the delivery of the Martín Fierro, in 2017, where he won in the humorous work category.

Gasalla in the delivery of the Martín Fierro, in 2017, where he won in the humorous work category.

This version is consistent with another known a few days earlier and which was reported by the artist’s former lawyer, Dr. Miguel Ángel Pierri, who recounted the following:

“Antonio is not in good health, that is clear. He seems to have lost some knowledge of some people. At one point I warned his brother Carlos that there were people visiting the apartment and I saw him very vulnerable to this. And things were missing.

In January 2021 Antonio was said to have sold some furniture to a person who was taking advantage of it, but then the brother explained to us, when we raised the concern, that Antonio had voluntarily sold it. Carlos told me Antonio had sold it cheap, but Antonio had sold it. I don’t know, because I don’t know what furniture he’s referring to and how much he sold it.

I have been Antonio’s lawyer for his professional matters and have acted when there was a contract to be discussed, I don’t know his money, I don’t know his accounts and I have never handled any sums of money. Until my departure, those who handled his money were Antonio himself, his brother, and some other relatives. I don’t even know which bank he had an account in or what money he had.

It’s not easy being a Gasalla in this era

What happens to Antonio Gasalla? That’s the question many people are asking these days. And it could be the question of those who don’t know the comedian very well. Antonio didn’t mince words, and he always used corrosive irony (if not the most bombastic insults and outbursts, said with a mocking smile) to get rid of those who annoy him.

The best summary was given by an anonymous commenting on a video on YouTube in which Gasalla sent a mobile phone driver for a walk, precisely:

In Susana's living room, in December 2017, in the last program of that year of the diva cycle.

In Susana’s living room, in December 2017, in the last program of that year of the diva cycle.

“Antonio Gasalla has never agreed to answer questions about his private life or the scandals in his shows. Gasalla is already known to have sent M. Why the outrage? Antonio Gasalla is not Wanda Nara”.

A good argument and accurate reading of the personality of an artist who perhaps feels uncomfortable and trapped in an age where frivolity and sensationalism have won the game over art and the talent he brings from the cradle.

Gasalla enjoyed another world, another time. And this Antonio Gasalla doesn’t seem very comfortable in the current one. According to his relatives, he didn’t enjoy himself during the pandemic, to which we must now add health problems and robbery attempts.

“Antonio is a very shy person, even if he may not seem so,” summed up Carlos Perciavalle last Thursday during a phone call intrudersproviding unexpected information. “I think it will go on, because it is like Argentina, bad times will not be able to. I think Antonio is stronger than everything, he is the Phoenix, he has survived so many things and will continue to survive, he will never give up, I’m sure.”

And her friend Susana Giménez (to whom Gasalla at one point told her to shit) was able to say that “Antonio is like that, but I love him because they have been with me for so many years, so many years of laughter and everything else”.

But beyond the scandals and this phase of conflict, the general public continues to support the idol who has given them so many laughs and happy moments. One could say that more and more ordinary people are defending her tooth and nail, even in her harshest features. Because this is surely the way in which they still recognize the ingenuity, ability and talent of someone unique and unrepeatable.

Source: Clarin


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