Home World News Eclipse 2022: What time will it be seen in Argentina

Eclipse 2022: What time will it be seen in Argentina

Eclipse 2022: What time will it be seen in Argentina

Eclipse 2022: What time will it be seen in Argentina

Eclipse 2022: At what time will it be seen in Argentina. Descriptive image: EFE

This Saturday 30th April begins the eclipse period 2022. And it starts with a solar eclipse which can be seen, with varying intensity, throughout Argentina.

This type of astronomical phenomenon occurs at least twice a year somewhere on the planet. Fortunately, in this case, South America -and especially our country– It will be region where you will enjoy more.

This eclipse is part of the cycle Saras 119, which repeats every 18 years and 11 days, and contains 71 events. The series began with a partial solar eclipse on May 15, 850.

Therefore, fans of the sky and astronomy, get ready to have fun. This is what you should know about it partial solar eclipse.

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun and casts a shadow on our planet.  Photo illustration: Shutterstock

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun and casts a shadow on our planet. Photo illustration: Shutterstock

Eclipse 2022: what time will the solar eclipse be seen in Argentina

The highest point at which it can be appreciated will be given to 9:09 pm Universal Time (UTC).

sa Argentinathe best place where partial solar eclipse it can be enjoyed at is in Ushuaia. There it will start at 4:46 pm and reach a maximum of 52% at 5:57 pm, but after a few minutes the Sun will hide, suggests weather.com.

Sa Buenos Airesang solar eclipse start with 17:42:51where the Sun is at a height of 5 ° above the horizon, the expert portal details yourtime.net.

As for highest point of eclipse -when the Moon hides the highest percentage of the sun-, the estimated time is 18:09. This time definitely corresponds to the time of day when it gets dark.

The highest point can be seen, in Buenos Aires, at 18:09.  Descriptive image: EFE

The highest point can be seen, in Buenos Aires, at 18:09. Descriptive image: EFE

There, the Sun is at an altitude of 0 ° and its azimuth will be 288 °. The Moon will cover 24.5% of the dayhighlights the site.

Eclipse 2022: What is a solar eclipse?

An solar eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon that occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun and casts a shadow on our planet. This alignment coincides with the new Moon and indicates that our satellite is very close to the ecliptic plane.

Ang solar eclipses they can be whole, if the sunlight is completely hidden by the Moon, annular and partial, if only part of the Sun is hidden.

In this case it would be a partial solar eclipsethat is, the Moon will not completely cover the solar disk, and it will be seen as a bright crescent and its shadow will be visible somewhere on our planet.

Eclipse 2022: Where it can be seen

Ang solar eclipse It can be observed with varying intensity across the country. This type occurs at least twice a year in some parts of the planet.

This solar eclipse can be seen in various places in South America.  Descriptive image: EFE

This solar eclipse can be seen in various places in South America. Descriptive image: EFE

East solar eclipse of April 30 can be seen in South America in particular – and in particular Argentinawhich will be the region where you will enjoy it more.

In addition, it can be seen in great and some regions of Uruguay, Paraguay, bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Falkland Islands and part of South Pacific Ocean and the Antarctic Ocean.

Solar Eclipse: How to Safely Observe It

Experts recommend to be careful when enjoying solar eclipse. Among other things, they indicate Yes do not look directly at the sun during the phenomenon or through optical devices such as binoculars or telescopes without special filters.

You should not look at the Sun during an eclipse without protection.  Descriptive image: EFE

You should not look at the Sun during an eclipse without protection. Descriptive image: EFE

All you have to do, they suggest, is use solar vision or eclipse glasses throughout the astronomical event if you want to look at the Sun.

Source: Clarin


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