Home World News Russia-Ukraine war: Finland confirms it will ask to join NATO and Vladimir Putin reiterates his warnings

Russia-Ukraine war: Finland confirms it will ask to join NATO and Vladimir Putin reiterates his warnings

Russia-Ukraine war: Finland confirms it will ask to join NATO and Vladimir Putin reiterates his warnings

Russia-Ukraine war: Finland confirms it will ask to join NATO and Vladimir Putin reiterates his warnings

Russian President Vladimir Putin said Finland’s entry into NATO was “a mistake”. Photo: AFP

In a tense telephone dialogue, Finnish president Sauli Niinistö informed his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, on Saturday that his country would ask to join NATO. The Kremlin leader reiterated his warnings and stressed that this step would be mistake “.

The Finnish head of state announced that the Nordic country – which has a long border and a long history with Russia – “will decide to apply for NATO membership in the coming days.”

In a statement, the Finnish president’s office reported that Niinisto told Putin how complete the security environment has changed since Moscow invaded Ukraine on February 24.

“The discussion with Putin was direct and unequivocal and conducted without exaggeration. Avoiding tensions is considered important,” said Niinisto, Finland’s president since 2012 and one of several Western leaders who held a regular conversation with the president of Russia over the past 10 years.

The presidents of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and of Finland, Sauli Niinisto, at the presidential palace in Helsinki, at a meeting in 2019. Photo: AFP

The presidents of Russia, Vladimir Putin, and of Finland, Sauli Niinisto, at the presidential palace in Helsinki, at a meeting in 2019. Photo: AFP

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“By joining NATO, Finland will strengthen its own security and assume its responsibilities. It does not hurt anyone. Finland wants to continue to address the practical problems generated by the border neighborhood in a correct and professional manner, “the officer. extra statement.

At the same time, President Niinistö reiterated to Putin his “deep concern ”for human suffering caused Russia’s war in Ukraine and emphasized the need to achieve peace.

Moscow replied

From Moscow, in a statement later released by the Kremlin, Putin clarified to his counterpart that “ending the traditional policy of military neutrality would be a mistake, as there is no threat to Finland’s security.”

“Such a change in the country’s political orientation is possible negative impact on relationships Russo-Finnish relations have developed over the years in the spirit of good neighborhood and cooperation and mutual benefit, “the Kremlin added.

“In particular, Putin shared his views on the negotiation process between the Russian and Ukrainian delegations, which were almost frozen by Kyiv, showing no interest in a serious and constructive dialogue,” he said. note of the president.

Finland’s decision to join the Atlantic Alliance fell like a bucket of cold water on Russia, which has already threatened Helsinki with “technical-military” measures.

Nuclear weapons?

In turn, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister, Alexandr Grushkó, warned on Saturday about possible NATO deployment of nuclear weapons in Finland and Swedenwhen both countries formally enter into the alliance.

“It is enough to look at the map to understand how important allied enlargement is for the security interests of the Russian Federation,” he stressed.

He admitted that, so far, the Atlantic Alliance has not changed its nuclear policy, but its general secretary, Jens Stoltenberg, affirmed that “nuclear weapons could be placed closer to Russia’s border and the leaders assured of Poland that they are ready for you to accept them. “

“If these declarations are confirmed in practice, of course, it will be necessary to respond to the adoption of preventive measures that guarantee a safe dissuasion,” the diplomat warned.

Niinistö and Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin announced on Thursday that they were in favor of joining NATO “without delay” and expected the country to make its candidacy official on Sunday.

The Nordic country considers that the invasion of Ukraine and Russia’s requests not to expand the Atlantic alliance justify its decision.

Sweden, which like Finland has historically remained outside military alliances, is also set to present its candidacy for NATO membership shortly after a meeting of the ruling Social Democratic party on Sunday.

A landmark crosses the Imatra border, from Finland to Russia.  Photo: AFP

A landmark crosses the Imatra border, from Finland to Russia. Photo: AFP


In retaliation for these candidates, Russia is threatening “military-technical” measures. And maybe they’ve already started. This Saturday, Russia’s electricity exports to Finland were sinuspinde.

The company responsible for Russia’s electricity imports to Finland, RAO Nordic, which has 100% of its capital in Russia, announced on Friday that supply would be suspended due to non-payment.

Russia’s exports to Finland are “currently equal to zero. This has been the case since midnight, as announced,” Timo Kaukonen, responsible for operations at Fingrid, the Finnish operator, told the AFP agency.

The grid is currently powered by imports from Sweden, according to real-time reports from Fingrid, which announced on Friday that it could do without Russia’s electricity.


Finland, which shares a 1,300 -kilometer border and a painful past with Russia, said expect computer attacks and violations on their territoryafter making his candidacy official.

In addition to Russia’s suspicion, Sweden and Finland’s future entry into NATO has also been formed The resentment of Turkeywhere President Recep Tayyip Erdogan did not hide his rejection of the idea that they were part of the Alliance, which has 30 members, including Ankara.

Erdogan slammed the two countries for being “havens of PKK terrorists”, the Kurdistan Workers ’Party, which is considered terrorist by Turkey, but also by the European Union (EU) and the United States.

Turkey may block these entries because unity is needed to receive new members.

The process is expedited

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg assured that the two Nordic countries would be welcomed “open arms” to the Alliance.

A new stage in the process towards accession took place this Saturday in Helsinki, when the Prime Minister’s Social Democratic Party gave approval to the country’s candidacy.

Of the 60 members of the party leadership, 53 voted in favor of the ascent, 5 opposed and two abstained.

The Finnish Parliament will convene on Monday and vote in favor of the day’s ascent, after consulting with 200 representatives.

Source: AFP, EFE and AP


Source: Clarin


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