Home Opinion Lula says PSB will make Alckmin official on Friday

Lula says PSB will make Alckmin official on Friday

Lula says PSB will make Alckmin official on Friday

the old president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) said it will discuss the inclusion of former São Paulo governor Geraldo Alckmin (PSB) on the ticket at a meeting scheduled for Friday (8). HE presidential candidate is the main supporter of the union at PT.

Historical picture of PSDB, Alckmin dropped the acronym late last year. Join PSB in March.

In an interview with Rádio Lagoa Dourada of Ponta Grossa in Campos Gerais do Paraná, Lula said by the end of the week the PSB will formalize the invitation for Alckmin to run for vice-president.

Next, the composition of the list will also be discussed by the Labor Party.

“I think Alckmin and I can act together. I’m going to have a meeting on Friday and PSB will propose Alckmin as vice president and we’re going to take it to PT to discuss it,” he said. .

Lula said the old toucan was never his “enemy”. “I was Alckmin’s rival, not Alckmin’s enemy. Brazil was happy when the conflict was between the two democratic parties, the PT and the PSDB. The country that had conflicts between Lula and the FHC, between Lula and Serra, between Dilma and Serra, between Dilma and Alckmin, was happy. There was a civilized discussion,” he said.

PT and PSB should formalize the agreement between the end of April and the beginning of May, when the Lula-Alckmin ticket will be released.

“Together you can be sure that we will rebuild Brazil, because we are two democrats, we love democracy, we practice democracy and we do our duty as proof,” said Lula.

After more than 30 years at the PSDB, Alckmin joined the PSB this Wednesday (the 23rd) in hopes of running for vice president under former President Lula, and said the PT represents “hope”.

“To see we must open our eyes, to understand we must be humble. [Lula] It is today that best reflects and interprets the Brazilian people’s sense of hope. In fact, because it is the fruit of democracy, it represents democracy itself,” he said.

Alckmin, founder of PSDB and former governor of São Paulo for four terms, left the party 33 years later in December 2021 and joined the PSB in hopes of becoming Lula’s deputy in the presidential race.

source: Noticias


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