Home Entertainment Cami, Disney Junior, Minions and the end of Stranger Things this weekend

Cami, Disney Junior, Minions and the end of Stranger Things this weekend

Cami, Disney Junior, Minions and the end of Stranger Things this weekend

Cami, Disney Junior, Minions and the end of Stranger Things this weekendCami, Disney Junior, Minions and the end of Stranger Things this weekendCami, Disney Junior, Minions and the end of Stranger Things this weekendCami, Disney Junior, Minions and the end of Stranger Things this weekend

guide on departure

Cami, Disney Junior, Minions and the end of Stranger Things this weekend

The variety of recitals by important international artists continues to arrive at the local bill, for example the recital of the Chilean Cami in the Great Rex. In addition, Abel Pintos continues with his unstoppable series of 30 performances at the Opera, and from the world of jazz comes a great visit: Eva Cornelio.

This weekend there are also good proposals for theater, cinema, streaming and free activities. And the children’s proposals for the winter holidays are already arriving, for example the premiere of the show of Disney Junior in the Great Rex.

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Source: Clarin


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