Home Business Access to diesel improved in July, but problems continue in 23 provinces

Access to diesel improved in July, but problems continue in 23 provinces

Access to diesel improved in July, but problems continue in 23 provinces

Access to diesel improved in July, but problems continue in 23 provinces

A repeated postcard from the last few weeks in gas stations across the country. Photo: Jose Gutierrezi / The Andes

Although the problem of lack of fuel continues, the first decade of July brought relief to the carriers. According to the diesel supply map prepared weekly by the Argentine Federation of Commercial Freight Entities (FADEEAC), in 23 Argentine districts, difficulties of varying degrees continue to occur in the supply of fuel, in waiting times for loading, as well as in increasing prices and sales quotas. However, currently only the provinces of Entre Ríos and Buenos Aires appear in red, that is, in a very serious situation.

According to the Federation, In recent days there has been a reduction in waiting times, an increase in quotas for loading diesel and a decrease in maximum prices per liter. which gave truckers a break who need between 35 and 40 liters on average to travel 100km.

Map of the supply of diesel in the first days of July drawn up by FADEEAC.

Map of the supply of diesel in the first days of July drawn up by FADEEAC.

“The change from the previous map (from 25 June to 1 July) It gives us some relief, even if it is not yet clear to us the reason for the increased supply to service stations. The arrival of ships with imported fuel was not officially reported. The end of sowing and harvesting decompresses the demand for diesel from the field and perhaps also helps increase the cutting of biodiesel, ”said Roberto Guarnieri, president of FADEEAC.

Who reiterated the “urgency” of setting up working groups composed of representatives of the public and private sectors to prevent the problem from becoming acute.

The traffic light for the supply of diesel in the country:

2 districts in red (Identifies areas with high impact of shortages where there is little or no supply and greater delay in fuel loading. In some cases more than 12 hours): Buenos Aires and Entre Ríos.

3 provinces in deep orange (the average supply is between 21 and 50 liters per unit, significant delays in waiting times and cost overruns): Córdoba, Santa Fe and Formosa.

5 provinces in orange (Average supply is between 51 and 100 liters per unit; significant waiting times and cost overruns): Río Negro, Neuquén, Mendoza, San Juan and Misiones.

13 districts in yellow (districts are identified where the average supply is below normal and there are slight delays in loading): Chubut, Santa Cruz, La Pampa, San Luis, Catamarca, La Rioja, Salta, Jujuy, Santiago del Estero, Tucumán , Chaco, Corrientes and CABA.

1 province in green (no supply problems, unlimited supply): Tierra del Fuego.

Source: Clarin


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