Home Entertainment Martita Fort explained why she continues to live in the house where Gustavo Martínez committed suicide

Martita Fort explained why she continues to live in the house where Gustavo Martínez committed suicide

Martita Fort explained why she continues to live in the house where Gustavo Martínez committed suicide

Martita Fort explained why she continues to live in the house where Gustavo Martínez committed suicide

Martita Fort explained why she continues to live in the apartment where Gustavo Martínez died.

Martha Fortwho turned 18 on Feb. 25, spoke about his suicide Gustavo Martinez, who was his legal guardian and of his brother Philip. Although he clarified that he was not yet ready to speak in detail about the subject.

In that sense, he admitted that he misses the physical trainer, who died on Feb. 16 of this year by throwing himself out of the building and with which he has been living together since 2013, when he left of the late chocolate merchant his twin in his care. .

The young woman arrived in the country a few days ago and although she made the possibility of moving to a hotel, she finally decided to return to live in her apartment in the Belgrano neighborhood.

Marisa, the woman who has cared for the twins since they were little, suggested that she go home. And Martita, though she was skeptical at first, decided to accept temporarily and stay in the house she had lived in most of her childhood and adolescence.

In dialogue with the magazine Hello, Argentina!the young man explained the reasons for his decision: “When I came back from the trip I thought the best thing was to go to a hotel or other place, never to go back to that house. And Marisa told me: ‘Try to stay here one night, if you want I will stay with you and then, the next day, do what you want’ ”.

And he explained: “The next day I said: ‘Well, I feel like Marisa is with me, I’m staying’. Besides It’s my house, my belongings are there, my memories, my dogs, the cat and I can’t take them to a hotel “.

Two months after the suicide of her legal guardian, Martita Fort also spoke about the moment she found out about what had happened: “When it all happened, Felipe ran to tell me, I thought it couldn’t be true , it may be ‘not true “.

And he said if he saw Gustavo depressed before he made that drastic decision: “I don’t know why people say he’s depressed if no one notices him being depressed. To me as he treats me I don’t think there is. it will happen like this. We had coffee and talked almost every day. And I didn’t notice it was wrong, I didn’t suspect anything. “

Although she tried to leave the rivalry and move on, Martita considered the possibility of starting dealing with the issue with therapy and with a psychologist: “I saw it as something not for me, as an option for the boys. who hid things. from their families, for example, and I wasn’t like that, I felt it wasn’t for me ”.

And he added about it: “Now another loss has been added to my life, another of them by my father and my grandmother, and something I have to live with, so I’m really thinking about therapy. ”

As she mourns the loss of a surrogate father, Martita admits she is dependent on her brother and her loved ones: “Fortunately, yes, we are much better and now my family and Marisa are with me. “

Upon his return to the country, Ricky Fort’s son was also consulted by his Instagram followers about his personal projects. Unlike her sister, who was convinced she would join the Felfort family business as a director, Marta had other concerns and she would follow the artistic side of the Comandante.

“I would have liked to train as a singer because I’ve been thinking about it for a long time and I’m capable, who knows, acting,” he said. And he advanced: “I’ve already done several covers of Billie Eilish, but I’m still embarrassed to upload.”

Source: Clarin


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