Home World News Elections in Italy: Giorgia Meloni, the neofascite who is favored and says she is prime minister

Elections in Italy: Giorgia Meloni, the neofascite who is favored and says she is prime minister

Elections in Italy: Giorgia Meloni, the neofascite who is favored and says she is prime minister

Elections in Italy: Giorgia Meloni, the neofascite who is favored and says she is prime minister

The leader of the far-right “Fratelli d’Italia” party Giorgia Meloni. Photo: EFE

This Tuesday began the change of political era in Italy that will lead in the next two months to a very frenetic electoral campaign that will culminate with the early general elections on 25 September. The resigning government of the economist Mario Draghi, who still premier with faculties reduced to ordinary administration, as indicated by the parliamentary system.

The preferred candidate to replace him is Giorgia Melonia 45-year-old congressman, professional journalist, mother of a girl and good-looking that according to the New York Times could win and make Italy the first European power with a far-right regime since the death of Benito Mussolini.

I was 15 years old Meloni when he joined the Youth Front of the Italian Social Movement, MSI, the party founded in 1947 by the surviving elites of the Italian Social Republic, based in Saló, northern Italy, under the leadership of Giorgio admiralformer minister of the Duce, a leading figure in the opposition in the so-called First Republic.

The leader of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni.  Photo: ANSA

The leader of the Brothers of Italy, Giorgia Meloni. Photo: ANSA

That hour of democratic restoration was based on half a century of Christian Democratic government and on the loyal opposition of the largest Communist party in the West, which could not govern because Italy remained on the western side in the division of Yalta between the President of the United States Franklin Roosevelt and the Russian dictator Josef Stalin.

As Georgia Meloni grew and militated, when the MSI was dissolved after Almirante’s death, it became the National Alliance, founded by Gianfranco Fini. Continuity was emphasized in this party’s coat of arms. there was no shortage the acronym MSI and the tricolor flame.

When Alianza Nacional also ended, he founded the young Meloni Brothers of Italy (Brothers from Italy) e transferred the tricolor flame and the acronym MSI on the new shield.

Giorgia Meloni after meeting Sergio Mattarella in 2018. Photo: AFP

Giorgia Meloni after meeting Sergio Mattarella in 2018. Photo: AFP

These data are important because outline a political biography. In these difficult days that Italy is experiencing, it is necessary to draw a compact and clear picture of the present situation when the future appears so complicated.

That present today has at its center the tiny and blond figure of Giorgia, which is examined on the outside with a question: Is she a true fascist or a neo-fascist? She denies being to the vast world of fascism that survives in the depths of the Italians and that is in or near the Brothers of Italy.

It is not a neo-fascist party, say Meloni and his people. But the press continually spreads stories that show that there is no other Italian party so familiar with that past, this doesn’t end up happening.

Giorgia Meloni has been able to live with this past, taking care not to end up crushed by the splinters of the present.

But in addition to the many anecdotes on the presence of post-fascism in the Brothers of Italy, there are other elements that show when the ideology of the far right is present in the party leader.

Proclaim on video and scream

An impressive test is video of an intervention by Meloni in an act in Andalusia by Vox, the Spanish neo-Franchist party, to which Giorgia Meloni has linked with her visits.

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Source: Clarin


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