Home Business Malena Galmarini, after hiring Massa: “Sergio is the man who appears in storms”

Malena Galmarini, after hiring Massa: “Sergio is the man who appears in storms”

Malena Galmarini, after hiring Massa: “Sergio is the man who appears in storms”

Malena Galmarini, after taking Massa:

Sergio Massa with Malena Galmarini. Photo Juan Ignacio Roncoroni / EFE

Malena Galmarini, president of Aysa, reported on Wednesday the arrival of Sergio Massa, her husband, to the Ministry of Economy and described him as “the man who appears in storms”.

In the statements to AM 750, the official was asked if this is the best time in her husband’s political career and she replied: “I don’t know if it is the best time because comes with a very difficult country, after a management that has not been good“.

In this sense, he described Massa as “the man who appears in storms” and has as its context an Argentina “that comes and goes in every moment between success and failure”.

“Sergio is a man who when you have to breastfeed it, it does so without hesitation“, he highlighted.

To illustrate, he recalled that in 2002, after Fernando De La Rúa’s departure from Casa Rosada, “Sergio took charge of an organization like ANSES, which was merged”. “There was nothing. The pensions could not be paid because with the corralito and the corralón they could not open the banks. It was a very delicate moment and he devised a strategy and made eleven pension increases.”

He also recalled when he had to take over from Ricardo Ubieto, former mayor of Tigre who died in 2006 “with a people still in mourning” and when he replaced the current president, Alberto Fernández, as chief of staff after the conflict with the field over 125.

“It was a critical moment, very critical for Argentina, for politics, for the government and it does it well, and it turns the year they asked for and leaves calmly and goes back to Tigre, and continues to transform Tigre and keep doing it, “he recalled.

Continuing to talk about the new head of the economic portfolio, he stressed that “he has grown a lot” and added: “He is a 50 year old boy and he has grown up. He has a lot of experience, a lot of talent, but he also has a lot of training. He knows the state and the sources of power like few others in Argentina. And for a moment like this, so delicate in the country, it is very important “.

Massa “has no problem getting on the horse without a saddle and taming it”

Malena Galmarini did not hesitate to describe her husband as a “farmer”, capable of getting out of a storm as well as of the difficulties that a wild horse can present.

“Sergio is an agent”, repeated Aysa’s head, adding that the former president of Club Atlético Tigre “He has no problem getting on the horse without a saddle and taming it”.

Later in the interview he told something about the intimacy of his arrival at the ministry that Martín Guzmán and Silvina Batakis have left in recent weeks.

“I see him busy, very busy. Obviously worried as before, like everyone else, but I see him very convinced”. He explained that the government had offered him positions after the departure of Matías Kulfas as head of the production portfolio and that of Guzmán, of Economics.

“He said no because what they were actually offering him was a name change and his belief had to do with changing the dynamics of politics within the government and politics towards the opposition,” he explained.

But this time it was different, since under his wing he will also have, in addition to Economy, Agriculture and Production.

Stop having multiple ministers of economy and match only one, hadn’t happened for a long time. Because (Mauricio) Macri also had 5 or 6 different areas. Sergio has put people he trusts “.

“So I go, I put my army, my best soldiers in the service of this cause”tells what her husband thought.

He then detailed what the dialogue between them was like. “The day has come that Alberto offered it to him and that Cristina then called him and said ‘look, man, I see her, I see her, I think we can do it, I think that by doing things we can go on'” .

Regarding the tasks that await him in his administration, he stated that “certainly, some things will be nicer and some lessbut you have to do what you have to do for Argentina to move forward. “

That definition, praised by his interviewer, for Galmarini “is not a brilliant phrase”. “He doesn’t come for the glory of this position, he comes with the suit to roll up his sleeves and work”insured.

In this sense, he reiterated that “Argentina is in a very complicated situation and. If you gotta stick your hand in shit, you gotta stick your hand in shit “.

With your head on 2023?

Galmarini assured that he did not believe in the “saviors” but in “teams, policies and dialogue”.

“Argentina is still unstable and five, six or seven days are not enough to bring the dollar down, because when you go to the supermarket, things are worth an egg“.

“So,” he added, “SErgio does not arrive thinking about next year’s electionshe must do the things that must be done for Argentina to move forward. “

Finally, she once again doubted whether it was “a historic or important day” for her husband, but said she believes in “it’s a new opportunity for Argentina”.


All the photos of Sergio Massa's hiring as the new Minister of Economy

See also

All the photos of Sergio Massa’s hiring as the new Minister of Economy

Source: Clarin


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