Home Entertainment The sad news of the former Metallica bassist asking for a job

The sad news of the former Metallica bassist asking for a job

The sad news of the former Metallica bassist asking for a job

The sad news of the former Metallica bassist asking for a job

Jason Newsted, always ready to come back on stage … if called upon.

Dating Metallica bassist, Jason Newstedvery happy, folks at Yahoo News! in a recent report that quickly went viral.

According to the source, Jason is almost a stand-up artist when reporting, because-unconsciously and without acting-he transforms every person he talks to, copying gestures and voices. Ozzy Osbournefor example, turns out to be better than Freddy Villarreal.

Jason Newsted, a bass player lost in history for being Metallica.

Jason Newsted, a bass player lost in history for being Metallica.

The truth is that good Newsted is asking for work, without losing his optimistic and sincere state of mind in the best Creole Héctor Starc style: no taboo subject.

Waiting for a call

“A lot of times I don’t allow myself to enjoy things,” he admitted after a contemplative pause. “I’m still waiting The call”, He told the people of YahooNews.

“The Call”, with capital letters What does the former Metallica refer to?

Jason broke the news on the reality show “Rock Star: Supernova” with Tommy Lee and Gilby Clarke.

Jason broke the news on the reality show “Rock Star: Supernova” with Tommy Lee and Gilby Clarke.

The anticipation of that “call” is why this musician does nothing he practices night and day: “I don’t want the moment to come and see me out of state, I can’t play like I know I can,” he said. “If it happens … I might be in a position to take on the challenge.”

“The Call” could be from Metallica or anyone. What matters is the dignity of the job. And there are phones, one landline, old, and two more more or less new cell phones waiting like Penelope.

I wasn’t really sure what the affiliation of playing again was until the phone rang. But I have to be prepared, because this is a call that will get me back on top. “

when he left metallica

Jason Newsted (left) with Metallica.

Jason Newsted (left) with Metallica.

Newsted left Metallica in 2001. He landed in one of the most popular and profitable scenes of recent times. won six awards grammys and became part of Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

“I’ve seen so many crazy things and I belong to a hyper-exclusive club, and I know, I’m sure, that such a thing will never happen again …”

Who do you want me to call? They asked. “Hmmm, right now it must be from a very, very special, maybe ZZ Top, Gary Clark, Jr. o Joe Bonamassa ... ”

There was, he said, some sort of rapprochement with aerosmith and in the circle of Alice Cooperbut they were conversations that eventually ended in nothing.

His departure to Metallica made him a man accompanied by a trail of resentment and frustrationsomething that splashed on his former teammates and the general’s fandom.

More than 20 years later, the stories of a controversial separation they multiplied, mainly fueled by claims that Metallica had never replaced Newsted, as well as the relentless boycott of its creative input.

Now, Newsted explains why he left the band, and in the interview he summarizes it: “The truth is I would be dead if I didn’t leavesaid the painkiller addict who once said he needed a “six to eight months” break for a problem bothering his neck.

“For whatever reason, they’re not ready to do that,” he said. So. lost never to return. He came to the band in 1986 after being bassist Cliff Burton tragedy who died in a bus accident while traveling in Sweden.

“They were under intense emotional stress when they lost Cliff,” Newsted said. “He’s his teacher, he’s his handyman, he’s THE man. It’s a big thing to be his replacement.”

“For two weeks I went from gardening, raking rocks and picking cactus needles in the Arizona desert to touring Japan with Metallica.”


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