Soviet cars are back: the brand reborn in Russia with the departure of Renault

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The Moskvitch Aleko, a car that came to Argentina in the 90s.

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The decision of Vladimir Putin from invade Ukraine and plunge Russia and the entire region surrounding it into a hell that is hard to justify, has commercial consequences for the aggressor country. As far as the automotive industry is concerned, many multinational companies have migrated and one of the most emblematic cases is the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance. His departure, confirmed this week, opens up space for the return of a brand that had flourished under the Soviet regime: in Moscow Moskvitch was reborn.

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The reference to the capital of the Russian Federation is not capricious, as the Moscow City Council itself will deal with the reopening of the plant. Renault in place. Y it will do so on a label that has been inactive for more than 20 years, since Moskvitch disappeared in 2000 after being declared bankrupt. Yes: at the same time as Putin came to power in Russia, as Boris Yeltsin’s prime minister initially and later as president.

Reports of those people realize that Moskvitch, which means “Muscovite” and it is one of the emblems of the automobile industry of the Soviet Union along with the Ladacould not cope with the advance of commercial opening seen in Russia after the overthrow of the communist regime, which occurred at the end of 1991. It survived for several years, but finally surrendered.

Renault’s departure from Russia

This decision was made after Renault’s official announcement of its departure to Russia.. In a statement, the French brand announced the total withdrawal of its parts in that territory and it certainly gives 68% to AutoVAZ, the largest automaker in Russia and the one that manages the manufacture of the legendary Lada.

Moskvitch 2142, one of the latest models of the brand.

Moskvitch 2142, one of the latest models of the brand.

The change of order was carried out in conjunction with the Central Institute for Research and Development of vehicles and motor, a state body that oversees the homologate of new vehicles, for an amount of money not reported but according to some rumors has symbolic value; the figure mentioned is a ruble.

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With the departure of Renault due to the war in Ukraine, Russia will re-launch several brands that started making their models during the communist era. What were the most popular Soviet cars.


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Source: Clarin

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