Home Business The “soy effect” subsides: the Central Bank had to sell 34 million dollars

The “soy effect” subsides: the Central Bank had to sell 34 million dollars

The “soy effect” subsides: the Central Bank had to sell 34 million dollars

Without the effect of the soybean dollar, the central bank had to get rid of the dollars again meet the demand of importers. The monetary authority closed the third session of the week with sales of 34 million dollars. It is the first time in three weeks that the agency closes with a negative balance due to its foreign exchange interventions.

Since the beginning of the month, the BCRAaccumulates net purchases of US $ 11 millionafter closing September with purchases for 4,945 million dollars, thanks to the extraordinary effect of the differential exchange rate established for soybean exporters, the so-called soybean dollar.

As confirmed by official sources, the Central Bank participated this Wednesday “with 34 million dollars in the demand of the foreign exchange market. This is the first sale after 21 rounds”. At the same time, they assured: “The BCRA maintains a purchasing position of over $ 5,000 million throughout the year.”

analysts of Delphi They say: “The return of the shortage of foreign currency in the official market is confirmed, which the government tries to continue to manage by reducing imports. In recent days there has also been a slight acceleration in the devaluation rate above 6% per month after the slowdown last week.

The wholesale exchange rate ended Wednesday at $ 148.88, 29 cents higher than the previous close. It has accumulated an upside of $ 1.56 since Monday. The exchange rate differential, if measured against the blue dollar, remains close to 90%. On the way, the ticket remained unchanged at $ 282.

The point of greatest pressure was in the financial market, where the excess pesos caused by the issuance of the soybean dollar slightly supports the liquidated dollar, which after hitting $ 310 at noon, it is trading at $ 309.

Part of the pesos issue that the Central Bank made to buy the dollars it sold for $ 140 last month for $ 200 was channeled to the mutual fund industry, though the market fears that, if not there will be clear signals to the foreign exchange market, this excess liquidity will put pressure on the exchange gap.

“Mutual Funds have received a positive flow since the start of the soybean dollar, which peaked at nearly $ 545,000 million in the last week of September and then declined (which happens seasonally at the end of the month) to nearly $ 343,000 million. “they explained in Aurum Valores.

Source: Clarin


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