Home Business With the arrival of the “Qatari dollar” and the “cultural dollar” there are already 15 exchange rates that coexist in the economy

With the arrival of the “Qatari dollar” and the “cultural dollar” there are already 15 exchange rates that coexist in the economy

With the arrival of the “Qatari dollar” and the “cultural dollar” there are already 15 exchange rates that coexist in the economy

After weeks of negotiations and relations, finally this Tuesday, and before leaving the United States, Sergio Massa has made it official three new exchange rateswhich point the same way: make demand more expensive to prevent the cushion of dollars you accumulated last month from evaporating faster than you thought.

The “Qatari dollar”the “luxury dollar” and the culture dollar they add to an intricate price landscape in the local market. What are we talking about when we talk about the dollar? Surely in the minds of the Argentines there is no single answer to the question about the price of the US currency.

While the Minister of Economy resists validation of a trade jump who organizes the accounts, there is a “de facto” split. At least, There are 15 types of exchanges that coexist in the economy: from the wholesale dollar that the Central Bank sells to importers, to the blue banknote that is exchanged on the street and to the thousand ways of dollarizing that can be found in the financial market. The following is a detailed list of the range of exchange rates offered on the market today.

The wholesale dollar

The wholesale dollar, also called the interbank dollar, is the one that handles the most significant volume of transactions. It is the dollar that is traded in andl Single Free Trade Market (MULC)and to which big players can access to obtain the currencies necessary to carry out foreign trade operations.

in this market the central bank intervenes, buying dollars to rebuild their international reserves and selling them at times when demand skyrockets, thus preventing the price from rising. The wholesale price, which closed at $ 150.69 on Tuesday, is the one used as a reference for multiple market transactions.

The retail dollar

is the exchange rate which is sold in banks to the public. The BCRA reports daily an average of the prices of all entities and this Tuesday it closed at $ 157

As the shares have shrunk, this price is used as a reference only, as no one can access the US currency at that price, without paying the fees associated with the purchase.

Dollar blue

It is the price that derives from the purchase-sale of the foreign currency in the parallel and unofficial market. It is not governed by any Central Bank regulation and, as it is carried out outside the legal circuit, there are no restrictions on its access. The account outstanding had a nominal peak last month of $ 350, but then started to decline. This Monday works at low altitude $ 285 on sale.

The solidarity dollar

It is the exchange rate that comes from the retail price plus the taxes introduced by the government for those who buy them. Therefore, to the price reported by the entities on their blackboard, it is necessary to add a PAIS tax of 30% and another withholding tax of 35% in account of the payment of the income tax.

The US $ 200 fee is renewed each month which can be purchased from the exchange restrictions. Recently the government has again restricted access to this type of contribution and those who have asked to keep their subsidies in the tariffs will be excluded from these lists.

Tourist dollar or card

This is where the roads fork, on the one hand, recently, the Government has raised the surcharge applied by AFIP in the personal income and assets account for the expenses of cards abroad from 35% to 45%. To this increase must be added the PAIS tax, which is 30%, is in force for the next 3 years and is also non-repayable. This dollar is trading at $ 274.75.

This exchange rate will remain in effect for credit card purchases and overseas consumption that does not exceed USD 200 per month. According to official data, 93% of dollar consumption with plastics averages $ 60 per month.

Qatari dollar

The government has formalized, after long weeks, a higher exchange rate for tourism and consumption abroad, which applies to expenses above 300 US dollars per month, to which an additional payment of 25% in account will be applied. of personal assets.

“Considering a Banco Nación exchange rate of $ 157, the PAIS tax (30%), the collection on account of profits and personal property (45%) plus the new collection on account of personal property (25%), the value of the transaction per dollar is $ 314 “, explained official sources. It has become the highest exchange rate in the economy.

The government has announced that this supplement does not affect card payments for apps and streaming (Netflix, etc.).

dollar netlix

This price includes all streaming services paid by Argentina for international platforms, such as Netflix, Spotify or Twitch. In these cases an 8% PAIS tax is applied, but 21% VAT and 45% must be paid into the Profit account. This implies a 74% surcharge over the US currency price at Banco Nación.

luxury dollar

Another of the additions made by the government this Tuesday is the purchase of lavish or “luxury” goods, including high-end cars and motorbikes, private jets – small planes; pleasure boats – boats; premium alcoholic beverages; watches, pearls, diamonds and other precious stones, slot machines and cryptocurrency mining machines.

For this type of purchase, the application of the national tax of 30% and the perceptions of the tax on income and personal property are established. In this way, in practice it is a price similar to the “Qatari dollar” of 314 dollars.

Cultural or recital dollar

Attentive to the claims of international entertainment entrepreneurs in the country, a dollar differential was announced for this type of service purchase. 30% of the national tax is charged on the retail dollar price, with which the exchange rate rises to $ 195.

tech dollar

A differential exchange rate for companies in the knowledge economy was also formalized this week. It involves accessing up to 70% of the dollars exported at the wholesale exchange rate.

Dollar or MEP purse

This is the name given to the exchange rate that comes from the electronic payments market. This is a stock exchange transaction that arises from the purchase of a bond whose price is in pesos but is convertible into the same bond that has a dollar price, by carrying out the sale in US currency. The operation ends with the transfer of the dollars to a bank account.

Purchases are also made by looking at the AL30 and the GD30 and prices vary according to the crediting period. Although this type of exchange is freely accessible, the only constraint is that the security must be held for one working day, before the closing of the exchange operation, which is called parking. This Tuesday, the MEP closed at $ 288.89.

Dollar counted with liqui

It is a price that arises from the sale of bonds and shares listed both on the local and foreign markets. They are bought in pesos and sold in the local market in its “C” variant and settled in accounts in the United States. It is the exchange rate that companies use to dollarize. This Tuesday it ended at $ 304.

ADR dollar

It is the one with liquidity, but instead of doing it with bonds, it is done with shares of Argentine companies. On average, it is trading at $ 306.72

Cedar dollar

It is the implicit exchange rate that arises from the purchase of these Argentine Certificates of Deposit, the cards that follow the price of the quotations of foreign companies. To calculate this price, we take the price of the certificates in pesos and divide it by the price of the New York shares in dollars, always taking into account the conversion factor.

By comparing the foreign currency value of that company’s stock with the pesos needed to purchase a quantity of Cedears equivalent to one share, an implied exchange rate emerges. While this varies depending on which role you choose to watch, the average of the most traded Cedear on this Monday shows a dollar just above $ 306.

crypto dollar

It is the price that arises from the cryptocurrency transaction whose value is linked to the dollar. It is the only list that operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. They have also become relevant during the weight run: today the price is lower than that of parallel dollars: in the Lemon wallet, for example, it is available for 284 dollars.

Source: Clarin


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