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Massa, in tune with Cristina: “The increase in prepaid cards has no explanation

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In line with Vice President Cristina Kirchner, the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, stressed that the increase in advance medical expenses “He has no explanation.”

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But the increase in prepaid is explained because the sector is regulated by the government and each increase is authorized by the Superintendence of Health Services (SSSalud).

While in the past any increase was authorized after negotiation with the sector, this year, with the Resolution of the Ministry of Health (n. 1293/2022), SSAlud has prepared a health cost index which debuted in August (11.34%), was followed by October (11.53%) and December (13.80%), all licensed on the basis of this Index which is applied every 2 months.

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Last week, vice president had questioned the increase in the prepaid portion 13.8% for December, which makes 113.8% this year, about 20 points above year-on-year inflation.

I agree philosophically the tweet (published by the vice president), but rather than complaining I have to work on the resolution. The tweet exposes a problem, that the prepaid in Argentina in the last year has had above-average increases, it is true, “Massa said in an interview with El Destape.

On the other hand, the prepaid they believe they are recovering the arrears of the quotaif we consider a longer period – December 2022 vs December 2019 – the installments will be increased by 248% and inflation with the increases in October, November, December could be just over 300%.

On the other hand, consumer advocacy organizations claim that, if we consider a longer period, from January 2016, prepaid rates overcome inflation. And they note that between 2016/2019 commissions increased by 326.2% and inflation was 291.1%.

Regardless of the validity of these numbers, the weight of the value of the shares in the income of individuals and families it is becoming more and more unsustainable for most of the private medicine affiliates. And that results in they have to switch to a less expensive plan or unsubscribe from the industry.

Finally, in the last 5 years, according to the LCG Consultant, the decrease in the purchasing power of the wages of workers enrolled in July this year compared to November 2017, including the last 2 years of the previous Government, is 20.5%.

Even so, the evolution of the sector goes beyond comparison with these indices.

It is that the difference in less than the 2019/2022 quotas occurred in the course of 2020 and 2021 (pandemic period). And from the Government they argue that the private health sector (prepaid, clinics, laboratories) has been more than compensated with the reduction of up to 100% in the employer’s pension contributions (12.35% of the paycheck) and lower tax rates on credits. banking and debt.

Then, last September, the Government extended for the eighth time, until February 28, 2023, the reduction of employer contributions for Social Security to companies in the Healthcare sector, pursuant to decree 577/2022. And from the 100% exemption from employer pension contributions, they went to 75%

On the other hand, the prepaid integrated with clinics, sanatoriums or medical centers have been included in the REPRO programs with the payment by the State of a sum of the salary of the employees of these entities.

Meanwhile, prepaid claims this year’s hikes are insufficient as the Health Union (FATSA) plans to review parity hikes “taking into account high inflation.” and arrears of salary. And he announced staggered strikes from this Tuesday 1.

Source: Clarin

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