Home Business Earnings: When the new plan applies and how it will affect salaries

Earnings: When the new plan applies and how it will affect salaries

Earnings: When the new plan applies and how it will affect salaries

The new minimum earning salary of $ 330,000 it will apply to employees in a dependent relationship with the collection of the salary of November at the end of this month or in the first days of December, according to the decree 714/2022.

Who gets paid this week The October salary will continue Support retained earnings based on a minimum salary of $ 280,792.

“The new floor will only be reflected at the end of November 2022 for those who are paid within the same month of salary accrual or for the first days of December 2022 for those who are paid monthly in arrears,” explained tax expert Sebastián. Dominguez. And he added: “The way this rule is implemented generates that plan update up to which employees don’t paying income tax is even further behind inflation ”.

This was also underlined by Gabriela Russo, head of the Professional Council of Economic Sciences “The changes in earnings apply to the month of November accrued, that is, in the payments corresponding to the November salaries that are paid at the end of said period or at the first days of December according to the payment method.

Russo indicated that “from November 2022, due to decree 714/2022, gross wages up to $ 330,000 will not be covered by income tax. Likewise, when they exceed that sum and up to the amount of $ 431,988, they will be included in the benefit of moderate retention “..

Outside of all tax benefits are those employees who earn more than $ 431,988 as there is no update of personal deductions or different tiers of the income tax scale.

Consequentially, those who receive a salary corresponding to November of 330,000 gross dollarsminus the discounts on retirement and health, will have a $ 273,900 in revenue from your own pocket.

Meanwhile, with a gross salary of $ 435,000, after retirement and health discounts, they will receive a net amount of $ 361,050, but they will also have a deduction on earnings of $ 77,730, receiving $ 283,320 in hand.

In short, with a gross salary of $ 435,000, 31.8% higher than that of $ 330,000, the pocket wage difference is just 3.4% higher.

In conclusion, this means that even if one gross salary is $ 100,000 more than the other, live income will end up with a difference of less than $ 10,000.


Source: Clarin


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