Home Business Without the presence of Sergio Massa, the discussion of the budget has begun in the Senate

Without the presence of Sergio Massa, the discussion of the budget has begun in the Senate

Without the presence of Sergio Massa, the discussion of the budget has begun in the Senate

With the pretense of Together for change due to the absence of the Minister of Economy, Serge Massastarted in Senate the treatment in commission of the 2023 Budget, which has an average penalty of deputies and that the ruling party will try to convert into law between the 16th and 17th of this month.

At the beginning of the debate, which takes place in the Blue Room, Senator Víctor Zimmermann (UCR-Chaco) expressed the opposition’s request for the absence of the head of the Palazzo del Tesoro. “We made a written proposal because we believe it is very important that the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, president of the Central Bank, was present. Miguel Pesceand the Minister of Social Development, Victory Toulouse Pazbecause this budget contains a huge amount of expenditure for the issuance of social policies “, the legislator transmitted.

However, Anabel Fernandez Sagasti (Frente de Todos – Mendoza) went to the intersection and after highlighting the presence of 10 officials of the economic team, he specified that he had spoken personally with the minister who told him that “today especially he couldn’t come but he promised that the entire cabinet will answer to the senators and senators. “

The meeting is attended by the Secretaries of the Treasury, Raúl Rigo; Finance, Eduardo Setti; and Economic Planning, Gabriel Rubinstein. There are also Juan José Bahillo, Secretary of Agriculture, and Ariel Sujarchuk, Secretary of Knowledge.

The budget was approved last week by the deputies with the support of the ruling party, its usual allies and radicalism. The Pro abstained while the Civic Coalition, the liberals and the left voted against.

Massa presented the budget to the Congress at the end of September in a conference he gave in the Hall of Lost Steps along with a large part of his cabinet. But this was not enough for the opposition, which is asking for the presence of the minister also in the Senate.

They also asked for the presence of the new ministers of Social Development, Victoria Tolosa Paz, who replaced Juan Zavaleta, and of Labor, Kelly Olmos, who replaced Claudio Moroni. “We want those who were not in the government to arrive when the project was tackled,” radical Víctor Zimmermann, vice president of the Budget and Treasury Commission, told Clarín.

As happened to Deputies, from Together for Change they also asked the president of the Central Bank, Miguel Pesce, but until this Tuesday these requests had not received a response from the ruling party.

Source: Clarin


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