Home Business Pre-Trip 4: a new edition of the program to promote domestic tourism is coming

Pre-Trip 4: a new edition of the program to promote domestic tourism is coming

Pre-Trip 4: a new edition of the program to promote domestic tourism is coming

The Pre-Trip system put in place by the Government to stimulate tourism within the country will continue in a fourth phase, during the first half of next year, as foreseen in the 2023 Budget which is being voted on in Congress.

Pre-trip 4 will take place between April and May, or maybe until June. The date will depend on the capacity of the program, they estimate in the industry.

Like the version of PreTrip 3 that was developed this year, the next one will too it will work for the off season. In other words, winter holidays will not be included, as confirmed by sources from the Ministry of Tourism.

It is estimated that new pricing values ​​will be established for each category and region in hotels. In other words, tourist complexes must comply with a maximum price list based on their category which will be timely scheduled. At one point these maximum prices were criticized by the operators of some tourist resorts.

In the latest edition of the Pre-Trip, the maximum reimbursement amount was $ 70,000 per person over the age of 18 for accommodation costs, regular domestic air travel, and ground transport. The reimbursement in other services such as car rental was $ 5,000 maximum.

The system returns 50% of purchases in tourist services within the country, so that this money can be reused in new purchases in participating shops and services to the chosen destination.

Since its implementation it has been successful. This is why the new phase generates expectations regarding the announcement of the dates. Especially because with the increased costs for traveling abroadthe prospect is that many travelers opt for local destinations.

Trips abroad from mid-October are more expensive, due to the new perception of 25% in the Personal Assets account which is charged to consumption in dollars, with a floor for its application of 300 dollars per month for card expenses.

The results of the last edition of the Pre-Trip were good despite its implementation limited to the low season only. In this case it was between 10 October and 5 December. That’s why, now, the government is thinking about a Pre-Trip 4 with similar goals.

“We will have an edition for the low season months. It will certainly be for the first half of the year. I imagine it between April and May or June “This was said a few days ago by Matías Lammens, area manager, in statements to the press.

As Lammens explained, the program will have “similar conditions to Pre-Trip 3″, meaning it will include bookings for the low season. This encourages escapes and travel during the months when Argentines don’t usually go on vacation. ” to prevent inflation from affecting the program, the new Pre-Trip will repeat the pricing pattern for each category.


Source: Clarin


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