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Fair prices: they will reward the mayors who control with a percentage of the fines to the companies

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Along with the price freeze agreement, the Ministry of Economy issued another resolution on Friday, which aims to check that companies maintain the values ​​of their products until March, with the help of the Municipalities. It did so with resolution 75/2022 of the Ministry of Commerce.

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To confirm compliance with the agreements, the Ministry of Commerce will sign agreements with the mayors. In this way, Economy ensures greater capillarity in monitoring prices and “expands the number of inspectors” throughout the national territory.

The Ministry of Commerce has devised a sort of contract with the Municipalities so that they are responsible for monitoring the price agreement. The intendants will be “those who carry out all the duties relating to supervision, control and infringement judgment to price agreements “, indicates the rule.

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The Secretariat will provide the Municipalities with the technical guidelines and the training necessary to carry out the inspections and then the sanctioning process will be implemented through the usual mechanisms carried out by the Undersecretariat of the Consumer Protection Actions.

But the municipalities will have a “prize” for their work. “The Secretariat of Commerce will recognize the Municipality and will transfer monthlyby calculating the income received from the first to the last day of each month, as compensation for the operating expenses generated by the execution of this contract, the amount equal to nominal 25% of each sanctionfirm and consented, which in fact is received by the Secretariat at the administrative headquarters through the eRecauda platform “, states the agreement that must be signed between the parties.

“These agreements – explained in the portfolio directed by Matías Tombolini – will be replicated with various municipalities in the country to strengthen the federal nature of the provision”

“In addition, in order to ensure compliance with the agreed pricing guideline, the Ministry of Commerce will continue to monitor price changes on a daily basis through the Argentine Electronic Price Advertising System (SEPA),” the agency said.


The fair pricing program was launched this Friday, intending to anchor some kind of inflation, which is expected to exceed 7% in October and target 100% by the end of the year.

The program includes 1,500 consumer products which, after increasing by 4% in November, will remain frozen until March. According to the Minister of Economy Sergio Massa, the program has been signed with more than 100 companies representing 85% of the production of consumer goods. Among these are Coca-Cola, Molinos, Mastellone and Unilever.


Source: Clarin

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