Fair Pricing: The government is hoping to add more products and outlets to the scheme, and prices are already on the gondolas

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As the Ministry of Commerce adjusts details to add more companies, products and outlets to the Fair Prices program, the deal it made in partnership with fast-moving goods suppliers and supermarkets to freeze prices for 120 days, the gondolas of the various hypermarkets already display the values which were released by the government on Friday.

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clarion visited various supermarket chains in the city of Buenos Aires and checked it out most of the 1760 products that were already listed appeared on gondolas, with the same prices that have been published by the portfolio led by Matías Tombolini in the app designed for mobile phones. which, according to the official, he already had 100,000 downloads on the last two days of the weekend.

This happened, according to Tombolini. “Without any publicity, just word of mouth,” which he added he continues to work for “continue to add supplier companies and deepen with supermarket chains in the interior of the country the regional dimension, another of the points that the previous programs needed to improve”.

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The initiative includes products from major brands such as Mills, Coca-Cola, Unilever, Quilmes, Mastellone, AGD, Ledesma and Las Marías, Moreover. In addition, supermarkets will be able to supply own-brand products. This point is what has generated some rejection in some supermarket customers who, consulted by clarionpointed out that there are many supermarket brands in the lists published in the application and that this can create confusion.

In many cases, clarion verified that the prices appearing in the request prepared by the Government coincide with those of the gondola. In others, he has seen it even the prices published in the app are higher than those offered by supermarkets this week.

For example, Casanto long-life milk, a second brand whose 1-litre container is published in the official price list through $224, It seemed $216 in the gondola of a Carrefour in via Juramento, 3.7% less. As reported last Friday by the economic team, the prices that will enter the program from December 1st can only be 4% more the one they flaunted on a gondola at the end of October.

Since the Fair Prices program absorbs the basket that included its predecessor, Precios Cuidados, many products will maintain the prices they have carried up to now in the official program and the other products in this basket will be excluded. clarion He found no shortcomings in the gondolas.


Source: Clarin

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