ANSES when I collect: the payment schedule for this November 15th

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East Tuesday 15 Novemberthe National Social Security Administration (ANSES) It will continue with its payment schedule, envisaged for all beneficiaries of the universal child allowance (AUH), the universal maternity allowance (AUE), retirees, retirees and beneficiaries of the Alimentar y Progresar programmes.

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Furthermore, the last installment of the bonus of up to 7,000 pesos will be paid for those receiving a single income and up to 4,000 pesos for those receiving two, while the bonus of 45,000 pesos for the poor announced by Economy Minister Sergio In mid-October Massa will also come into effect, to be paid in two monthly installments of 22,500 pesos starting November 14.

In November the bonus will also continue ANSI extension of 50,000 pesos which will be divided into three payments of approximately 16,500 pesos until the last month of the year. In addition, with the 21% increase in the Minimum Vital and Mobile Wage (SMVM) in three installments (October, November and December) of 7%, several programs will also increase, such as the Potenciar Trabajo and the Accompanying Program.

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Similarly, DNIs ending in 8 and 9 have the possibility of receiving the Prenatal and Maternity Allowance, as well as those who collect the AUE with a document ending in 3, pensions and pensions ending in 5 on DNI and PNC Family Allowances.

According to the calendar of ANSI extensionOn this day all the beneficiaries of the Checks for marriage, adoption and birth will continue to collect the second fortnight until 14 November and then they will be able to collect all terminations of the DNI until 12 December, while the people who debit the Universal Family Allowance (AUH) with the ending 5 in the document they will also receive payment.

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payments for retirements Y pensions will be divided into two: those who do not exceed the 48,729 pesos – who will also have the last bonus of 7,000 pesos, decreased until it reaches 4,000 pesos in December – will do so between November 8 and 22, while those who collect more of 48,729 pesos must go between November 23 and 29.

Subsequently, retirement and pension collection days that do not exceed the minimum amount of $48,729 based on DNI completion:

  • DNI ended at 0:8 Nov.
  • DNI ended at 1:9 November.
  • DNI finished at 2:10 November.
  • DNI finished at 3:11 November.
  • DNI finished at 4:14 November.
  • DNI finished at 5:15 November.
  • DNI finished at 6:16 November.
  • DNI finished at 7:17 November.
  • DNI ended at 8:18 November.
  • DNI ended at 9:22 November.

Universal Child Allowance: When do I receive this November 2022 with the 15.53% increase?

The people who collect the universal family allowance of the ANSI extension they will do so by category and have been set as follows: AUH with a son or daughter under the age of 14 or with a disability will charge $9,000; with two sons or daughters under 14 or with disabilities will charge $13,500; and with three or more sons or daughters under 14 or disabled, they will charge $18,000.

Furthermore, the Popular Quarter Connectivity Program is currently still in force, which allows those who collect this credit to access the Internet, via Enacom, at no cost.

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The people who collect the WEA extension or the Oh! They will also be able to access the Food Card (Food Program) without having to fill in any forms and will receive extra money every month which can only be used for the purchase of groceries. With this, it seeks to ensure that all families have access to the basic food basket.

Single Payment Assignments: Marriage, Adoption & Birth: When do I receive this November 2022 with the 15.53% increase?

All terminations of the DNI of the beneficiaries of Marriage, adoption and birth checks they will be able to continue with the collection of the second fortnight (from 6 October to 14 November), even if from 7 November they will be able to charge all terminations of the DNI until 12 December.

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For their part, all DNI terminations can collect the PNC family allowances from 12 October to 14 November In the meantime the new calendar will come into force: all documentary cancellations can be charged between 8 November and 12 December.

Prenatal and Maternity Allowance: When do I receive this November 2022 with the 15.53% increase?

Subsequently, the collection days based on the completion of the DNI:

  • DNI ending in 0 and 1: Wednesday 9 November.
  • DNI ending with 2 and 3: Thursday 10 November.
  • DNI ending in 4 and 5: Friday 11 November.
  • DNI ending with 6 and 7: Monday 14 November.
  • DNI ending at 8 and 9: Tuesday 15 November.

Source: Clarin

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