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Banks: what are the opening hours on Friday 23 December

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Last-minute bullfights cause total traffic chaos, shops are crowded with people and tension is added if holidays are declared in between. The latter causes some doubts and confusions that it is better to clarify. At the door of Christmas Eve and Christmas, which fall on Saturday and Sunday, and the public holiday declared for some sectors for Friday 23 December generates key questions such as: will the banks open tomorrow? Will they attend during normal hours or will they have a reduced day?

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And despite speculation indicating reduced working hours for those who do it in banks and finance companies, the Central Bank and La Bancaria They confirmed in Clarin that the opening hours will be the usual.

As usual, the banks will remain closed on Saturday 24 and Sunday 25. Some transactions may be carried out through alternative channels.

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From La Bancaria they pointed out that the authority is the Central Bank and for now they work on a regular schedule. “Unless, at the last minute, they decide otherwise”they indicated.

The public and private banks consulted by Clarín confirmed this They will work regular hours.

Which sectors are affected by the holiday

The national and provincial governments issued an establishing decree Administrative holiday for Friday 23 and 30 December. Decree that excludes the financial system.

The provision was published this Monday in the Official Gazette, pursuant to Decree 820/2022, which bears the signatures of the President of the Nation, Alberto Fernández, the Chief of Staff, Juan Luis Manzur, and the Minister of the Interior, Eduardo Enrique ” Wado “from Peter.

In the recitals of the decree that determined the vacancy for the public administration that “The CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR festivities constitute, traditionally a cause for celebration for all the families who live in our area”.

And that therefore “In order to facilitate the classic family reunions that take place on these dates, It is considered appropriate to allow the approach of those who, for various reasons, live far from their loved ones”.


Source: Clarin

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