Home Business IFE 5, Procrear and ANSeS bonus: social aid has displaced the dollar among the most sought after by Argentines in 2022

IFE 5, Procrear and ANSeS bonus: social aid has displaced the dollar among the most sought after by Argentines in 2022

IFE 5, Procrear and ANSeS bonus: social aid has displaced the dollar among the most sought after by Argentines in 2022

In a country that has many ups and downs, Argentines have become accustomed to handling financial and economic terms as if they were experts, and above all to knowing almost in detail the events that refer to these issues. And the daily word searches revolving around the local economy are a good reflection of this. And in this sense, a tailor-made job for Clarin, reveals Google what were the 10 most searched terms in 2022, four of them even moved the dollar off the top interest rate.

In a year in which inflation will close with a change close to 100%, social assistance, mainly in the form of bonds for vulnerable sectors and tools that invite you to make Argentine pesos work betterit moved the ammeter and affected searches related to the greenback.

If the Central Bank has bought or sold dollars, if inflation is above or below its maximum of 7%; how much is the dollar worth in almost all its variants (official, blue, Qatar, Mep or Cash with Liqui); They have known for years to be the most common topics in searches that most people have done.

But from the interest that some terms aroused in 2021 to those that exploded in 2022, there are some differences. There are five -also- which for years has supplanted the unbeatable: the dollar. IFE 5, Procrear 2022, Banco Nación credit card and Bono Anses were the ones that attracted more interest than the greenback.

Fixed-term simulator, blue dollar, DNI account, Progresar and Anses withdrawal date, They are the ones that follow and complete the extensive list of the 10 most searched terms in 2022.

One of the novelties of the year was acceleration of searches for “fixed term simulator”. This term has grown thanks to the multiple rate hikes that the Central Bank has validated during the year up to a return of 75% per annum (TNA), and that he returned the lost interest to this instrument. It’s that people rush to the easy investment option and that allows them to win, or at least break even, against inflation.

“Google notes that in many cases this search interest is for people in Argentina is associated with a particular bank or institution”details the report.

Another item that played a leading role was also that of credit cards, with questions such as: how to use the home banking features or how they integrate with other programs and benefits.

However, that wasn’t all. Alex Waltuch, commercial director for the financial sector of Google Argentina, explains more about the radiography of this sector in the country: “Little by little, we were recovering the customs we had before the pandemicand this could be reflected in the searches of points and miles programs, reactivated and grown by 16% compared to 2021, despite continuing to be below pre-Covid 19 rates”.

Waltuch also pointed out that another big example “is interest in travel insurance, which was the fastest growing financial product in searches in 2022, by more than 131% and surpassing its pre-pandemic level.”

“The second product that grew the most was credit cards, with 45%, followed by motorcycle insurance (+39%) and digital wallets (+32%),” he said.

And finally, he pointed it out “It was the first year in which more searches were made for “currency” than for “home banking”. Within the world of currencies, and as noted in the ranking, “official dollar today” was the term that aroused the most curiosity among Argentines.

What happened in 2021 in Argentina?

A year ago, the 8 terms that generated the most interest in the most used search engine in the world in relation to finance are:

  • Dollar
  • Home banking
  • National Bank
  • AFIP
  • When I debit (the IFE)
  • Handles
  • monotribute
  • mutual


Source: Clarin


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