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Agriculture and AFIP are already planning relief measures for drought-affected producers

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As promised last Friday by Sergio Massa in a meeting with the Liaison Table, the Government has set to work designing extraordinary measures for producers affected by the drought.

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In this context, the federal administrator of the AFIP, Carlos Castagnetto, and the secretary of agriculture, livestock and fisheries, Juan José Bahillo, met today to carry out the coordination of tax mechanisms that allow for concessions to all interested producers due to lack of rain.

“The details are being defined for a proposal with the axis in generating mechanisms that allow access to benefits in a more direct, agile and rapid way to people affected by drought”, assured by the Government.

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On Friday, Carlos Achetoni, president of the Argentine Agricultural Federation, called for the fiscal and financial situation to be analyzed and listed: “The advance payments of earnings, the expiration of some plans, the refund of 8% VATthe maturities of the credits that we must release so that the producer can breathe a bit and also see if he can obtain some subsidized credit to allow him to think about the investment”.

In today’s meeting, from AFIP they have made their information structure available so that they can do this signal and effectively target help to those who really need state help.

Some of the concerns presented by rural entities were discussed in Friday’s meeting at INTA Castelar: working with the provinces to declare an emergency in the territories (this is a fundamental condition for producers to be able to join the benefits), change some tax issues, return or failure to charge for a period of time some tax charges, among others.

Another of the things that rural leaders raised with Massa on Friday, according to Elbio Laucirica, president of Coninagro, underlined that “many of the compensations and instruments provided for by the Law on agricultural emergencies and disasters they are insufficient, they are not sufficient given the scale and gravity of the situationdue to both drought and hail and frosts that affect not only the Pampas area but also regional economies”

Tomorrow, Wednesday, Secretary Bahillo will meet the Banco Nación authorities continue with the cycle of technical meetings and define improvements that help mitigate the damage caused by the effects of bad weather.

For its part, AFIP will continue to outline the points discussed during the meeting and to present a formal proposal on the measures that could be implemented in the short term.

The liaison table stressed the need to do so urgently implement solutions for agricultural producers facing a drought that has devastated crops and pastures, and will leave significant crop losses this season.

These meetings take place in the context of the commitment made by the Minister of Economy of the Nation, Sergio Massa, to have a battery of measures prepared for February 1st together with all the financial, fiscal and productive organizations of the State.

Source: Clarin

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