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A bill proposes to “federalise” the electricity tariff

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National Senator from Entre Ríos, Edgardo Kueider, of the PJ critical of Kirchnerism as defined, presented a bill in reduce the cost of the electricity tariff.

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It therefore proposes a formula to establish tariff criteria that allow the legislative decreeReduce the price gap between generation and the price paid by end users of the electricity service, “understanding its access as a right in the context of the provision of an essential public service, in order to reduce the tariff for consumers”.

Kueider seeks to federalize energy costs. In this way he suggests increase what is paid to the Salto Grande dam and bring royalties from 12 to 20% received from the energy-producing provinces and that this extra is used to lower utility rates.

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It also tries to reduce the VAT on 21.5% to 5% for household consumption and from 27 to 10.5% for industries, SMEs, shops, clubs, industries and SMEs.

And that the distributors they cannot charge additional fees and tax reductions at the national, provincial and municipal level.

Among the premises, he claims that 82.5% of the energy demand goes to Distributors, while the remaining 17.5% belongs to Large Users. Also, between the GBA and the province of Buenos Aires concentrate 49.9% of the national energy needs, which demonstrates the concentration recorded in terms of electricity demand. “In addition, thirteen jurisdictions report consumption below the national average consumption.”

Source: Clarin

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