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“Jujuy Polo de Desarrollo”, the northern investment magnet presented by Gerardo Morales

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The governor of Jujuy and president of the UCR, Gerard Morales presented in the City of Buenos Aires “Jujuy Polo de Desarrollo”.

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During the meeting, Morales illustrated the new provincial law on productive investment and employment, in front of more than 300 entrepreneurs and ambassadors from various countries, including US Ambassador Marc Stanley.

The most extraordinary phrases of Morales

“The new investment promotion regime proposes a 100 x 100 provincial tax exemption for 10 years extendable for another 10 and 100 x 100 employer contribution refund, 30 income tax refund and which can reach 60 percent if it is reinvested ”.

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“It is a tool to give work, the new step that Jujuy is taking now after restoring order and transforming its production matrix: generating more production and more work is now our challenge”.

“We are directing our management towards labour-intensive investment initiatives, investments for the development of local suppliers, lithium production, our own mills, mining in general, the audiovisual industry and tourism, among other challenges “.

“We have made an important budget allocation, we are convinced that the challenge that will come for Argentina is to recover the large Argentine middle class and this lies in generating work, which is the only thing that brings the poor out of poverty” .

“First it was necessary to restore order: order of the state, order of the daily life of the people, it was necessary to get out of the logic of confrontation and finish a parallel government at the hands of some organizations that also made public order decisions”.

“The other thing that needed to be done was to order the economy: put an end to 32 years of fiscal deficits and we did it. And at the same time give us a development plan. Think about how we stopped Jujuy and there we embraced the green province of Jujuy: we started with renewable energies, we looked for financing, we placed a green bond…”

“Let’s establish clear rules, legal certainty and order as conditions to advance in projects such as the Cauchari solar plant, the distributed energy plant and the green hydrogen project.”

“With the Cauchari lease, we have started the construction of 258 schools, and we have launched a plan for 2,000 km of connectivity”.

“The productive transformation that lithium, Cauchari cannabis is generating, requires transforming education because they are developments that require a new educational model.”

“The world is changing, we invite companies from all over the world to invest in Jujuy: our sovereignty is to give jobs to our people.”

We are committed to maintaining peace and order. Those who invest will have clear rules. He earns money and employs the people of Jujuy.”

“Argentina’s potential is enormous and beyond the crisis there are good things happening.”

Source: Clarin

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