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Rice, citrus fruits, pears and apples add to the farm dollar

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The government has confirmed that the agricultural dollar will be joined by another 4 productions of the regional economies to the 21 already foreseen in the official programme, which give an exchange rate of 300 dollars. These are the activities of rice, citrus fruits and pears and apples.

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Thus the wine, olive, beekeeping, fish, forestry and wool sectors join together, as well as the production of legumes, garlic, tea, peanuts, tobacco, lemons, fruit – cherries, plums and blueberries – and special products that are destined almost exclusively to the external market, such as popcorn, confectionary sunflower and eco, organic or organic products.

The Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries of the nation, Juan José Bahillotoday received successive meetings with representatives of the Chamber of Industrialists of Rice and the Chamber of Citrus Exporters of the NEA (CECNEA).

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During the meeting, Bahillo illustrated the technical details relating to the implementation of the Program for the two new production chains.

Regarding the measure, the representative of the Chamber of Rice Industry of Entre Ríos, Pedro Suen, said: “It is very important, last Thursday the secretary visited us in San Salvador, which is the capital of the rice sector of Entre Ríos, where the largest quantity of rice grains in the country is processed, and this meeting is a continuation in which it has provided us with the guidelines necessary to join the Program”.

Massa, along with Governors Figueroa (left) and Weretilneck (right).

Massa, along with Governors Figueroa (left) and Weretilneck (right).

And he continued: “It comes at a very particular time because we are in the middle of the rice harvest, it is the right time, it will cause an improvement in the price of this essential product at the same time it will also generate income from exports, which is what is needed” .

“All this improvement for the industrial part is will result in better prices for the producer which has been hit in this campaign by an unprecedented drought and is of particular importance for our territory. Rice is one of the few economies that has somehow escaped unscathed, due to the way it is produced,” Suen added.

For his part, the president of the Citrus Federation of Entre Ríos, Pablo Molo, said that “we met with the secretary to analyze the measures that have been proposed to us and to be able to insert that agricultural dollar for an export issue”.

And Molo continued: “Expectations are very good, that was what we asked for, both for sweet citrus fruits and for juices. This will be reflected in the domestic market, as there will be a high demand for sweet citrus fruits. Very good from the government, that’s what we were asking for with a provision depending on the sector”.

Leonor Alemán, Emilio Cornejo, Jorge Paoloni, Claudio and Gustavo Francou also participated in the Chamber of Industrialists of Rice. And from the Chamber of Citrus Exporters of the NEA (CECNEA) there were Pablo Lioni, Enrique Yelin and Osvaldo Malvasio.

Also, on Monday, the Secretary of Agriculture met with Sebastián Hernández, president of the Federation of Fruit Producers of Rio Negro and Neuquén, and with Nicolás Sánchez, president of the Argentine Chamber of Integrated Fruit Growers.

Today, for his part, Economy Minister Sergio Massa met with Alberto Weretilneck and Rolando Figueroa, after the victories obtained in the elections for the governorship of the provinces of Río Negro and Neuquén, respectively.

During the meeting, they advanced the integration of fruit into the export increase program to promote higher exports of pears and apples, both to Neuquén and Río Negro, which the sector had requested.

Source: Clarin

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