Jorge Remes Lenicov: “Dollarisation is not suitable for Argentina”

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Dollarization does not suit Argentina“, warned Jorge Remes Lenicovthe Minister of Economy who eduardo duhalde chosen for, precisely, defuse the convertibility bomb which had begun during the government of Carlos Menem and which had been strengthened after the social outbreak of 2001 and the resignation of the then president, Fernando de la Rua.

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Author of the book “115 days to disarm the bomb”, referring to the process he had to go through to obtain the “de-dollarization“, strongly rejected dollarization that javier millei proposes as a solution to overcome the economic crisis that Argentina is going through.

“(Dollarization) is not suited to the country. When faced with a complex situation, one must propose a program that is naturally complex. If not, we would think of magic, voluntarism or miracles“.

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“It is not possible that a measure such as dollarization will solve the real situation of the Argentine economy or the fiscal deficit,” he insisted.

Jorge Remes Lenicov: "Dollarization is not adequate for the

Jorge Remes Lenicov: “Dollarisation is not suitable for Argentina”. Photo: Maurizio Nievas.

In this sense, he explained that “when a dollarizes, the monetary and exchange instrument is lost“, and “a developing country needs all the tools available to deal with the situation”.

On the other hand, he compared the 2001 crisis to the current one: “Crises are like people: in appearance we are all the same, but in reality we are all different”.

“That (the 2001 crisis) had its problems and this one has others. The most complicated thing I see is the political situation. For the economic question, you always have a way out, as long as you have the support of politics,” she concluded.

Likewise, he insisted on internal politics and crack: “In 2002 we managed to get out of Duhalde’s agreement with Alfonsín, that is, from what Peronism was at the time, which is not this, and the radicalism of the time, which isn’t even that.”

Eduardo Duhalde and Jorge Remes Lenicov in 2002. Clarín photo archive.

Eduardo Duhalde and Jorge Remes Lenicov in 2002. Clarín photo archive.

“What is happening now has to do with internal differences and that power has been diluted. Looking towards the end of the year, Ideally there was an agreement, but it is true that the current split is not that of 2001when there were obvious differences between a radical and a Peronist, but we could talk and agree,” he added.

Finally, he specified that “nobody knows what could happen between now and the end of the year” and that “today the common denominator is uncertainty”. “If someone asks how much the dollar or inflation will be, we don’t know,” she concluded.

Source: Clarin

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