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Yerba mate and goat meat add to the farm dollar list

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With resolution 162/2023 published today in the Official Gazette, the national government has implemented the products derived from the yerba mate supply chains (ilex paraguariense) and goat meat to the list of products included in the Export Increase Program (PIE) which offers from one dollar to $300 for overseas sales.

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Like other products of regional economies, they must meet the eligibility requirements which include maintaining or increasing supply on the domestic market and generating employment, and having exported in the eighteen months prior to the entry into force of decree 576 of 9 December April 2023 confirming the new edition of the PIE which, moreover, will have to fall within the Fair Prices program or agreements established by the National Secretariat of Commerce for the local market.

In this way the new products are added to a long list that includes complexes and derivatives of sunflower, fodder barley, sorghum, popcorn, peanuts, legumes, rice, citrus fruits, tobacco, sheepmeat, tea, wines and olives, beekeeping . , forestry, wool, pears, apples, plums, blueberries, kiwis, dried and fine fruit, onions, garlic and other vegetables.

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to Through these stimulus programmes, “it seeks to promote territorial rooting, added value, industrialization at source and increased exports through harmonious socio-economic development, across the different links in the value chains of regional economies”, explains the resolution. And he adds that to determine the scope of the provision, “the consideration of the heterogeneity of productivity, of the integration into the world and of the productive matrix of the various supply chains” was “particularly relevant”.

The yerba mate sector had applied to be included in this programme. They wanted a recomposition of the price at the end of the mill to be able to cover the values ​​that the Minister of Agriculture set earlier this month through a premium for the raw material, with an increase of more than 52% for green leaf and canchada .

Misiones and Corrientes, the only two provinces where yerba mate is produced, export around 40 million kilos a year. Last year, 39,825 tons left for foreign markets, with an average value of 2,183.3 dollars per ton, generating revenues of just over 87 million dollars.

Source: Clarin

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