As Clarin anticipated weeks ago, the $2,000 note has anticipated its entry into circulationand instead of doing it in the first days of June as expected, it came to light this Monday, May 22nd.
Among other details, the Central Bank sent a full description of the “strict security measures” with which the ticket must avoid counterfeiting. Among them stand out the watermark that reproduces the images of Ramón Carrillo and Cecilia Grierson and the optical variability ink that changes color, with a dynamic three-dimensional effect.
“BCRA Issues Commemorative $2,000 Legal Tender Note. Which will be progressively distributed through the network of bank branches in the area“, the entity detailed.
The BCRA clarified that “the new legal commemorative note, It differs from other denominations by presenting shades of dark gray and pink as the predominant colors.with the portraits of Grierson and Carrillo on the obverse, while the reverse represents the building of the National Institute of Microbiology Dr. Carlos G. Malbrán, in homage to science and public health in Argentina.”
The release of the $2,000 note was announced in February this year by the Central Bank (BCRA) and was only expected to be released in the second half of the year. However, as Clarín confirmed in early May, the ticket finally saw the light of day a few days before the end of the month.
The Argentine Mint (CMA) had informed him, at that time, that “He was able to speed up the production processes and anticipate the delivery times of the ordered products”.
$2,000 Bills: One by One, All the Answers
- What format is it?
Its design is horizontal on both the front and back and its size is the same as that of all banknotes that are in circulation.
Does the project include facilities for people with disabilities?
As for facilities for the blind, incorporates a new identification code with relief perceptible to the touchon both banknote margins.
- Is it part of the Weight Line?
The new bill is integrated into the Current lineweight and was designed in collaboration with Casa de Moneda Argentina.
- What’s new in design?
This ticket includes a new version of optically variable ink with relief feel, new identification code for the blind and magnetic ink.
- When will it be available in all provinces of the country?
It will be distributed progressively through the network of bank branches in the area.
- Can it be used for any transaction?
Yes, there is no limitation for its use as a means of payment.
- Where is it produced and how many tickets will be issued?
The supply of the finished banknotes is carried out by Casa de Moneda Argentina. The amounts needed to replenish the market will be issued.
Source: Clarin