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They expanded the agricultural dollar to more byproducts of regional economies

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The Ministry of Economy has included new varieties from various supply chains in the list of products of regional economies covered by the Export Increase Program (PIE), which establishes a temporary differential exchange rate of $300 to the dollar until October 31stwith resolution 216/2023 published today in the Official Gazette.

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It established that it includes “the products derived from the hare meat supply chain; the pork meat products, the by-products of the wine supply chain; only some cotton qualities that do not affect marketing in the internal market; the enzymes and for the food industry; fodder seeds and seeds of other species, flowers and ornamental plants”.

In the case of pig products, the specification clarified that “in this case the level of exports compared to production is less than 1%”.

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The resolution also highlighted that through these stimulus programs “seeks to promote territorial roots, added value, industrialization at source and increased exports through harmonious socio-economic development, between the different links of the value chains of the regional economies”.

already so about 60 regional economic chains are incorporated in the export increase programin order to promote employment and secure the supply of the internal market within the framework of fair prices.

Among these are those of sorghum, fodder barley, sunflower and its main derivatives, such as oil and flour; products derived from vegetable chains (fresh, frozen and preserved), food preparations for animals, fresh fruit and derived products; mutton, bran and needles from the milling of cereals, vegetable seeds and other species.

There are also wine, olive trees, beekeeping, fishing, industrial forestry, wool, legumes, garlic, tea, peanuts, tobacco, lemon, plums, popcorn, fine fruit, dried fruit, sunflower sweets, mandarin complexes, oranges, rice, blueberries, pears and apples, onion, kiwi, grapefruit, among others.

THE requirements for all products of regional economies that those interested in accessing the benefits of the program must comply with they exported the goods at some point in the 18 months immediately before the entry into force of Decree 194, as well as by undertaking the commitment to maintain or increase the number of jobs.

They must also undertake to supply the local market with these goods, having to maintain or increase the supply volumes recorded in the 18 months preceding the entry into force of the aforementioned decree.

Finally, they will have to comply with the Fair Prices program or the price agreements for the local market established by the Ministry of Commerce.

Source: Clarin

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