Home Business Clinics demand increase in fees and tariffs to open up Health equality

Clinics demand increase in fees and tariffs to open up Health equality

Clinics demand increase in fees and tariffs to open up Health equality

Clinics demand increase in fees and tariffs to open up Health equality

The clinicians said that after two years of prioritizing the pandemic, they were in a critical situation. File image: Luciano Thieberger.

Clinics, sanatoriums and hospitals, grouped with ACAMI (Civil Association of Integrated Medical Activities) say that they cannot afford the requests for wage increases of the sector “without corresponding transfer to the price of medical benefitswhich they give to patients and charge health insurers. ”

“After two years of dealing with the pandemic, prioritizing everyone’s life and health, we are in a critical situation before the continued loss and absence, in most cases, of a minimum margin to operate our organizations, added today, the inability to pay salary increases”, They explained from health providers.

And they added: “Sanatoriums are in need recover in its prices the negative gaps in recent years and advance in their income the salary increase that will come from parity “.

ACAMI recognizes that social projects and entities with private health plans “will require quota adjustments or contributions, to respond to the needs of sanatoriums, including the continued increase in higher benefit costs and fundamentally, for disability -related benefits.

The Health Guild (FATSA) claimed a 45% increase -broken to 25% in April and 20% in July- and a revision in August based on inflation levels.

Unlike other activities, sector equality -na covering 300,000 workers-cannot move forward, except in the Medicinal and/or Veterinary Specialty Laboratories sector, which brings together approximately 20,000 workers.

ACAMI also claims that the Government will approve a set of financial assistance measures and subsidies companies per worker employed.

“An immediate step, requested on various occasions, is to alleviate the tax burden generated by“ non-computable ”VAT, which, due to the dynamics of our activity, is a related monthly expense; it is necessary to continue Repro Salud and the decree 300 (reduction of employer contributions), as long as this situation lasts in a health emergency, as a temporary contribution equal to those applied to support education for more than 40 years ”, pointed out by ACAMI

Last week, the Ministry of Labor extended REPRO– Official salary payment assistance, in the Health sector. It consists of the payment of an allowance equal to 50% of each worker’s wage up to 4 times the current Minimum Vital and Mobile Salary (SMVyM) ”($ 155,760) and with a cap equal to 50% of SMVM for each relationship with employment (is $ 19,470).

This assignment will be provided within three months. The employer may access the Program for a maximum of two periods, consecutive or not, for 3 years from the start of the first period granted.


Source: Clarin


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