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Rents: May saw the highest increase since 2012

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The inflationary environment continues to put pressure on rental prices. In May, according to a survey by the real estate portal Zonaprop, rental prices increased by an average of 10.8%, accumulating the highest change since the beginning of this measurement in 2012, with an increase of 136.3%. That is, above inflation (113.8%).

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Meanwhile, the index the adjustment for new ICL contracts rose to 100% last month.

According to these registers, the rental value of a study in CABA it is $116,249 per month; a department of two rooms reaches $142,425 and a unit of three rooms and 70 m2 are leased for $185,196.

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At the moment, Palermo is the most expensive neighborhood in the city of Buenos Aires with an average price of $186,288 per month. Recoleta and Belgrano follow, with $166,717 and $165,720 a month, respectively.

In the central area are Retiro ($143,329), San Cristóbal ($140,005), and Villa Pueyrredón ($132,887).

The cheapest neighborhoods to rentAccording to this portal, they are Liniers ($113,252), Monserrat ($114,903) and Barracas ($115,691).

According to another private survey such as that of the Scalabrini Ortiz Economic and Social Studies Center (CESI), the median The studio apartments offered at Capital Federal are $92,500. With which, the minimum living and rolling wage, which was $84,512.0 in May, it barely covered 91.4% of a rental.

For two-room apartments, this Center found a median of $120,000 and for three-room apartments, $160,000. However, they clarify that, in each category, the prices vary according to other characteristics, such as age or if it has a garage, for example. And also of its environment (infrastructure, availability of transport, proximity to shopping centers, among others).

These values ​​do not include expenses, which reach an average of 14% of the cost of the offer price of a rental.

According to this survey, the increases compared to April were 8.8% in studio apartments, 14.3% in two-room apartments and 3.2% in three-room apartments.

In turn, the University of San Andrés, together with data from Mercado Libre publications in the Ambadetected last month steeper increases in apartments than in houses.

Taking into account the increase in the price per square meter, the latter increased by 6.8% compared to April 2023, while the increase in buildings was 17.9%. And it reached 23.9% in properties located specifically in CABA.

The pressure on prices, in addition to inflation, is based on a reduction in the supply of rental properties, due to the conditions established by the new rental law which does not seduce owners who, instead, decide to put their properties up for sale or keep them empty.

Therefore, the problem of macroeconomics and contractual conditions constitutes a significant obstacle to entering into a new lease. It is “in this context -according to Ceso- that an increase in the percentage of Offers denominated in dollars, predominantly starting in February 2022”.

Source: Clarin

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