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“We should be called Argenchina,” Massa said after the announcement of the investments in Beijing

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Definitely be part of the group of countries that make up the Chinese initiative of the Silk Road and the Silk Belt it has its advantages. Argentina has decided to do it almost as one of its few state policies. Macri did it and Alberto Fernández specified it.

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That initiative, which is now ten years old, was inspired by a network of ancient trade routes born during the Chinese Han dynasty in 130 BC Xi Jinping made it the axis of his foreign policy and promotes it under the idea of ​​a streak, a course for a global trade alliance headquartered in Beijing. Argentina quickly signed it and differed from Brazil which was not added.

This initiative places the country as a recipient of investments. And today we saw the first fruits six projects that will not require even a partial contribution from Argentinaa: imply commitments for 3,052 million dollars. That if that was clarified These are not automatic disbursements, with the exception of the first one, but subsequently they depend on the progress of the work.

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And in other negotiations access to sorghum marketthus used in a liqueur that is very popular in China and which can mean exports of US $ 400 million. Added to this is the opening for the wheat and bovine and swine offal. The Secretary of Agriculture, Juan José Bahillo, has obtained the reopening of shipments of chickens canceled after bird flu.

Sergio Massa, who participated in those long rounds of negotiations on the occasion of the closing of the agreements, released only in celebration in front of a group of journalists: “With this we should call ourselves Argenchina“, recalling the word coined by Chiche Gelblung.

As regards pig and bovine offal, this market It was closed for sanitation needs. And there will be a protocol change to restart exports of poultry, as reported, including grains such as wheat lack of approvals and health certificates,

Given the dollar shortage, Argentina shelved investment projects that were underway but required capital, as in the case of Atucha III, in which Chinese investment of $8,000 million was received, but the Argentina had to integrate 15% of the capital. that capital. Here are the other projects:

  • Amba, the high voltage lines that feed Edenor, Edesur and Edelap, $1.1 billion.
  • Belgrano Cargas II provides for disbursements for 816 million dollars
  • Ferrocarril Roca costs 236 million dollars to buy 200 new cars.
  • The Cauchari solar park in Jujuy receives 326 million dollars
  • In the province of Buenos Aires, in Laferrere for the drinking water systems and in El Jagual for the sewage systems. Both projects are for 650 million dollars.

Source: Clarin

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