Home Business The power of the box: why Cristina Kirchner wants to kick Martín Guzmán

The power of the box: why Cristina Kirchner wants to kick Martín Guzmán

The power of the box: why Cristina Kirchner wants to kick Martín Guzmán

The power of the box: why Cristina Kirchner wants to kick Martín Guzmán

Minister Martín Guzmán and Vice President Cristina Kirchner

If the scale of things goes through national government resources corresponding to Buenos Aires, neither Axel Kicillof nor Andrés Larroque have reason to murmur. Weight by weight, a mountain of pesos, the Province receives more and more than any of the 23 remaining jurisdictions, according to data from official sources.

Initially, the 2022 national budget allocation provides for a 20% of the total package, that is, $ 2.2 billion, of which Kicillof has already spent $ 829 billion in less than four months. Not comparable, whichever way you look at it: the numbers Cordova they recorded only 4% and $ 147,000 million, respectively; and in those Santa Fe, 3.7% and $ 141,000 million. In other words, they didn’t even reach the fifth part.

Already in the Larroque area, the Minister of Community Development of Buenos Aires and General Secretary of La Cámpora, noticed the same, unequal formula today in the distribution of funds from the Ministry of Social Development of the Nation. The data available on the website of the Ministry of Economy indicates 20% for Buenos Aires, against 4% for Córdoba, 3.7% for Santa Fe and 2% for Tucumán.

Here’s what we’re talking, above all, about Job Improvement Plan and the food policies disseminated by the central government. Also, from a game of $ 113,700 million allocated to Buenos Aires that will surely soon expand, because 62% of that money has already been used. Just to keep up with the lag, the quota matching Córdoba says $ 11.6 billion and $ 10.5 billion for Santa Fe.

The Empower Work program already benefits 1.3 million people and the Food Card, 2.5 million. Obviously, most are residents of Greater Buenos Aires.

The last data of the series, the national resources managed by the Ministry of Public Works include: Buenos Aires, 102,000 million pesos; CABA, 27,000 million and Córdoba, 22,600 million. In this chapter and at the silver destination, the routes and roads governing National Roads and activities are related in terms of transportation and sanitation.

Nothing appears on the lists that discriminates against the Province, on the contrary. Nor does it clarify, either, what Larroque was referring to when he affirmed that “the real policy of social development was made in the Ministry of Economy”, although falling from the old age he was referring to iuncontrollable deterioration of the social image.

Of course, if that is so, the indicators obvious in the area of ​​influence of the Cámpora leader are not exactly commendable. 5.3 million poor live in GBA parties and, among them, 1.3 million poor. Enter nationwide numbers, 49 and 55.6% respectively.

Too obvious at this point in the film that Larroque is Cristina Kirchner and Máximo Kirchner and that the procedure, exhausted in use, consisted here of removing responsibilities and transferring them to Martín Guzmán, first, and finally Alberto Fernández. If you prefer, by not caring about anything and continuing with your own game regardless of the consequences or those who pay for them and dribble, moreover, Guzmán went to the Economy endorsed by Cristina.

At that point, Larroque was struggling with his role as speaker. He said: “It cannot happen that the leader of the coalition is the Minister of Economy. It cannot happen that the coalition is hostage to someone who no representation”. Did Guzmán think it would be all this way? That is, even the leader of the Front of All: like a joke.

More than the same, only very specific and with a specific taste of Open end is the dispute over gas and electricity prices. It has been practiced for several months by hard-line Christianity, which powers offices in the energy sector and refuses any increase, and Guzmán himself, who has vowed to lower subsidies in agreement with the Monetary Fund.

Is there any possibility that the increase will be blocked by Justice, since the militants of La Cámpora are also rioting? it is a doubt floating in the atmosphere.

By the way: between January and March, the fiscal value of energy subsidies rose to $ 305 billion, 90% true, reduces inflation, more than the same period last year. These are equivalent to US $ 2,655 million in official dollars.

Is a freezing or near freezing that neo-Kirchnerism applies relentlessly as if it were an anti-inflationary instrument, although it benefits the higher-income sectors, it is very expensive and does not stop at anything. Of course, its increase is tantamount to hitting Buenos Aires rates and the political impact proportional to the number of users in the Province.

Ask an economist who knows the fabric to keep: Why is Cristina determined to kick Guzmán? Just because he seems to be a neoliberal or because he didn’t get anything right or because of the framework of issues revolving around Guzmán?

Answer: “There are some, but more than that. He wants to control economic decisions and the management of state money. That is, to work with particular interests and with the combo called silver equal to power, that is, a basic instrument he learned to exploit thanks to Néstor, who has exploited it like no other since the days of Santa Cruz.

It continues: “Money management, whether it is a thin currency or especially in the case of a thin currency, means interfering in the distribution of scarce resources. For example, to whom more and to whom less or directly none. It is like dividing unions, political parties, governors, mayors and social organizations into allies, enemies or not fu or fa. And with everything on the table, identify electoral strategies ”.

This system of rewards and penalties is much more valuable, if you will, when the financial resources are audited by the IMF and taken for granted, of course, that it will not be destroyed in the Fund or, then, will answer the default policy costs. K’s vote against the agreement in Congress seems like a small game for the rostrum, and moreover it’s free.

And who will be Guzmán’s replacement that Cristina Kirchner will choose? Clarin asked.

Answer: “Obviously, He doesn’t have too many candidates or people inclined to get into this mess. But it is within range kicillof or someone close to Kicillof or a fellow Kicillof traveler ”. Can also be included Serge Massaalways properly and always in place of large and functional doses of power in the most diverse tasks.

In any hypothesis, within Christianity, the decision to build a strong and large political apparatus in Buenos Aires, to consolidate itself in the Province and to derive political revenue from a territory that defines elections and focuses to the majority of vice president voters. , is riveted. Better, ideally, if money from the State is included in the operation.

That’s certainly about an account, where the experts accustomed to snooping on the world of the Secretary of the Treasury come. His entrecasa name anticipates what is happening: they are the calls discretionary transfers, that is, funds administered by the central power as its name implies and arising from the underestimation of State revenue.

In round numbers, last year the root represented $ 440,000 million, of which $ 170,000 million or 38% went to Province money. There appears to be a good explanation for Cristina’s offensive against the constituents of Fernández and her Minister of the Economy.

As strong, another explanation springs from the agreement with the IMF. It rests on a commitment to tighten the grip on discretionary transfers in provinces and public companies and within who should run it: Natural, Martin Guzman.

Source: Clarin


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