Poverty in the city of Buenos Aires reached a new record, especially that of child poverty. “In the third quarter of 2023, Poverty affects 20.1% of families (270,500 families) and 25.9% of people (798,500 people), data which not only exceeds those of the same period of the previous year, but after those corresponding to the pandemic, constitute the highest of the series that began in 2015”, according to to the Report of the Directorate of Statistics and Censuses of Buenos Aires.
The Report indicates that in one year poverty went from 8.3% to 10.1% (312,500 people), bringing poverty to 25% (798,500 people) compared to 23.0% a year ago. That’s a record number except during the pandemic.
For his part, 41% of children and adolescents (0-17 years) They reside in families in poverty (284,500 people in that age group). A year ago the percentage was 35.4%.
The Buenos Aires Report indicates that within the group of families and people in poverty, those who find themselves in extreme situations (poverty) are increasing, representing just over 34% of families and 39% of people with a poverty income.
Compared to the previous year, these values increase, “revealing the worsening of the conditions of the most disadvantaged”.
The Report highlights that some groups are more affected by poverty than others.
- Women: households headed by women: the incidence of poverty is 22.1%, compared to 17.8% headed by men.
- Unemployed: unemployed (3.3 times higher than the total incidence), or employed in domestic services (45.7%)
- Families located in the South area (poverty 29.1%) and those who have children under 14 (34.5%), the latter with incidences of poverty and destitution increasing with the number of children in the home.
- On the other hand, the share of families with the presence of elderly people who are in poverty is lower than the overall one (13.3%) and is reduced with the number of people over 65 years old present in the home, due to the wide-coverage pension that guarantees a minimum income.
The Report indicates that in a year poverty went from 8.3% to 10.1% (312,500 people), bringing poverty to 25% (798,500 people) compared to 23% a year ago. That’s a record number except during the pandemic.
For their part, 41% of children and adolescents (0-17 years) reside in poverty homes (284,500 people in that age group). A year ago the percentage was 35.4%.
Source: Clarin