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What is the difference between CUIL and CUIT?

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Even though they are made up of the same series of 11 digits, The CUIT (Unique Tax Identification Code) and the CUIL (Unique Labor Identification Code) have different characteristics and functions. However, both function as an additional identification tool, added to the DNI, to carry out tax or employment procedures.

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The main difference between CUIL and CUIT is that the first corresponds to a number that serves to identify taxpayers who receive a benefit or service provided by the Social Security System, while the second is the unique tax identification key, i.e. it operates in the system country’s tax.

The CUIL, which like the CUIT is made up of 11 numbers, was created to identify independent natural or legal persons who must pay taxes to the country. The first two identification numbers are chosen randomly and correspond to a global record, the middle eight are the same as the DNI (or the one assigned by the Federal Public Revenue Administration for companies), plus a final check figure.

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“The CUIL (Labour Identification Key) is the identification key provided by the National Social Security Administration (ANSES) to register pension contributions, family allowances and which allows the carrying out of procedures at other public bodies, banks, car registers, among others. others. Currently, the CUIL is generated automatically when a minor is registered in the National Register of Persons”, specifies the AFIP website.

AFIP: the differences between CUIL and CUITAFIP: the differences between CUIL and CUIT

People who are about to formally start working for the first time or who wish to receive one of the ANSES bonuses must process the CUIL at any of its offices in order to start working or access the benefits provided by the institution.

In this sense, AFIP explains that the CUIT “is not generated automatically and it is the interested party who must request it from AFIP, both for the start of an economic activity and as requirements for particular procedures of the Administration or others entities.”

While, The process to obtain the CUIT can be carried out online within the AFIP portalprovided they meet the basic requirements: possess a valid identity document and be of age.

Request for a new CUIL or CUIT number

The Nation’s Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security has established that persons protected by the Gender Identity Law may apply once for a new CUIL or CUIT number, which will be assigned randomly because “the prefix CUIL or CUIT the one assigned is generic in nature and is non-binary in terms of sex/gender.

Request for a new CUIL or CUIT numberRequest for a new CUIL or CUIT number

Through Resolution 286/2021the Ministry of Labor and Social Security has determined the following regarding the change of the CUIL or CUIT number:

  • ARTICLE 1. – The prefix used in the formation of the new numbers of the Unique Work Identification Code (CUIL) of human persons, be they 20, 23, 24 or 27 or those that will be determined in the future, from the validity of the present, will be assigned randomly, being generic and non-binary in terms of sex/gender.
  • ARTICLE 2. – Persons who have been assigned a CUIL number before the validity of this document and who are covered by the Gender Identity Law No. 26.743, may request a new CUIL number only once, which will be granted in accordance with the provisions of Article 1 hereof.
  • ARTICLE 3. – THE NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION (ANSES) will adapt the IT systems so that they randomly assign the prefix referred to in Article 1; Furthermore, it will modify the current legislation on the matter.

Source: Clarin

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