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Domestic workers: how much they will earn per hour and per month in January 2024 and what changes with the DNU by Javier Milei

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The year begins, and with the start of a new month come the increases and payments that increasingly lean pockets have to face. Among the most requested items are hourly and monthly wages that the maids must be paid.

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In this way, and with no new adjustments on the horizon, Casas Particulares employees will now receive a 10% salary increase, corresponding to the last tranche of the agreement signed in October 2023, which corresponds to December. This increase, which reached 34% in total, was split in three installments of 12% October, 12% November and 10% December.

Days ago, the Nation’s Labor Secretary, Omar Yasin, confirmed that he will convene the Council for the minimum, living and mobile wage for the first days of January. However, he said it that same day “it’s not expected” convene the Private Domestic Workers Commission, because “neither the employers nor the trade unionists asked for it to be convened”, in view of immediate future increases.

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From the Auxiliary Staff Union of Private Homes (Upacp) they have asked the Ministry of Labor to make an appeal “urgent and without delay” to provide relief to workers due to rapidly advancing inflation.

For those who charge by the hour, that 10% was received in December. On the other hand, for those who pay per month, The adjustment will have to be made now.

How are the monthly salaries with the 10% increase?

For the 5th category (the most requested), those of staff with general tasks

  • With collection: $173,758 per month
  • Without collection: $193,217 per month
  • For those who pay by the hour, they must continue to take as standard THE $1,416.5 for those who are retired. AND $1,528 time for those without withdrawal.

4th Category – Care of people

  • With collection: $193,217 monthly.
  • Without collection: $215,320 monthly.
  • The reference for those who pay by the hour is: $1,528 for those with retired employees. And of $1,708.5 for those without a pension.

3rd – Homemade

  • The month remains at $193,217. And the reference for those who pay per hour is 1,528 dollars.

2nd category – Personnel for specific tasks

  • With collection: $198,037 monthly.
  • Without collection: $220,256 monthly.
  • As regards the time for those who have the collection it is: $1,617.50 per hour; and for those who have no withdrawal $1,773.50

1st category – Supervisor

  • With collection: $213,159.3 monthly.
  • Without collection: $237,435.5 monthly.
  • With withdrawal: $1,708.50 per hour (no change from December); and without withdrawal, $1,871.50 per hour.

Domestic workers: what is added and when it is paid

Domestic workers add extra money when working in unfavorable areas. In addition, they receive an additional salary for “antiquity”, equal to 1% for each year of seniority of the worker in the employment relationship, on monthly wages.

This additional amount is paid monthly starting from 1 September 2021. The service time, for the purposes of this additional seniority, begins to be calculated starting from 1 September 2020, without retroactive effect.

The current legislation also provides that workers must be paid an additional amount per disadvantaged area equal to 30% of the minimum wage established for each of the categories compared to personnel carrying out tasks in the provinces of La Pampa, Rio Negro, Chubut, Neuquén, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands, or in the Patagones Party of the Province of Buenos Aires.

What changes with the DNU

Among the 360 ​​articles contained in the documentthere is one that directly affects to domestic employees. What the new law says, what changes and how much they will charge in January per hour and per month, depending on the categories.

DNU 70/2023 published in the Official Journal has repealed article 50 of law 26.844 of the special regime of employment contracts for staff in private homes. As, Sanctions imposed for failure to register work are eliminated, illegal work or poor registration.

Translated for Casas Particulares employees it means this they will stop collecting that fine or what they usually do call double compensation. “As for the formal worker, it eliminates the aggravation of the severance pay,” the tax official, Sebastián Domínguez, explained to Clarín.

“The regime of the law on private home workers is 26,844 and article 50 establishes the doubling of seniority in cases of poor or non-registration, i.e. illegal work”, coincidentally, Dr. Silvana Iudkovsky. And she continued: “What Article 50 established is what is called compensatory aggravation. This new decree would eliminate them.”

“The intention, if you read the other articles of the decree, is to eliminate fines for those who have black workers or have them poorly recorded“, the specialist explained to Clarín weeks ago. And he added: “I think we’re looking for simplificationbut do not promote illegal work.”


Source: Clarin

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