There is a question that Norma Sánchez avoids answering and refers to her age. This scientist expert in quantum physics, who investigates black holes, is one of the gurus that technical teams and some managers of Argentine unicorns usually turn to. They’re not the only ones.
Norma was born into a home with a mother who was an educator and amateur astronomer. Her father belonged to that generation of chemical engineers who, being experts in infrastructure, designed and built YPF distilleries are born.
“People came to my house to solve problems,” he mischievously recounts that tradition he preserves. And help those in the well to look at the stars. She is consulted by her colleagues and entrepreneurs and she holds conferences where she is invited.
Why did you go to France?
After graduating from the Faculty of Exact Sciences of the University of La Plata, she quickly left for France in that violent 1975 when Triple A murdered the academic secretary of her own faculty.

He explains it to entrepreneurs the uncertainty principle therefore linked to quantum physics. He also tells them about black holes that are born when the energy of stars has already been consumed and what remains is a remnant of that star despite gravitation. “Anything that enters the black hole cannot escape until the light is trapped.” accounts.
In that tone that characterizes passionate teachers, Norma explains that stars are born, live and die in black holes. “The stars are very far away, what we see is the light they emitted thousands or tens of thousands or millions of years ago,” explains this scientist who has earned a place at the top of astrophysics and lives between Paris and her native Ensenada .
He spends his life studying the structure of black holes and galaxies. Difference between the classical physics of Newton and Einstein which is “deterministic and quantum, which carries within it the uncertainty principle”.

In France he works at the National Council for Scientific Research, the prestigious CNRS, and obtained a State Doctorate. In 1991 he founded the Daniel Chalonge-Héctor de Vega International School of Astrophysics, whose members include four winners of the Nobel Prize in physics.
“I take into consideration problems that are at the frontier of knowledge. For this you must get out of the comfort zone, clubs and communities, the places where they already know you and know what you do. But going outside to compete, moving away from superspecialization in one wavelength or mechanism, is difficult. Always I was interested in seeing everything. It’s the most challenging”.
Discussions with Stephen Hawking
His doctoral thesis landed in the hands of Stephen Hawking. And he argued in Cambridge, UK, with Hawking about his thesis that a black hole’s “information” is completely lost when it dies or degrades.
“You are extrapolating from quantum theory, but the theory is incomplete… When it is complete, you will notice The information is not completely lost., He told him. “Hawking, perhaps in love with his theories, as happens to many, thought that the end of the black hole was an explosion that would destroy everything”.
He insisted: “What a black hole does is shrink and emit heat and the temperature is inversely proportional to the mass, so it gets hotter and hotter. The process accelerates, the hole shrinks and heats up… but it doesn’t explode.”
And so he came to the fascinating conclusion that the black hole reaches “a limiting mass, small and critical, when it transforms into a composite particle, heavy compared to the others, and which continues to emit, not heat but gravitons and radiation”. ”. A metaphor about Argentina?

Norma defines quantum physics as one of the great achievements of the intellect. Based on this knowledge, scenarios are developed in some high-tech companies. Sánchez is part of the Franco-Argentine Cooperation and has a team of Conicet physicists, educators, directors and writers in the country.
Source: Clarin