Among the foods that make up the basic basket, sugar he is one of those who have suffered important increases In recent times, in a context of high inflation. How much is a kilo of sugar worth?
In the large supermarket chains of Buenos Aires the kilo of sugar It varies between $1,000 and $1,300, depending on the brands.
According to the last one Consumer price index (IPC) prepared by Indexin Buenos Aires a kilo of sugar cost 1,309 dollars and had a increase of 19.8% compared to the previous month.
According to the CPI, in the Pampeana region it has a value of 1,239 dollars; in the Northwest it is worth up to $1,218; In Cuyo it costs around 1,219 dollars and in Patagonia it sells for 1,364 dollars.

It turns out that inside December the category of Food and beverages increased by 29.7% and it was the one that had the greatest impact on the INDEC price index and predicts a sharp increase in prices in the coming months.
In turn, the items Goods and Services (32.7%), Health (32.6%) and Transport (31.7%) had a strong increase.
Source: Clarin