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Do single-tax workers have a social service?

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The regime of single tax It is designed so that many people join the formal economy and have it social work and contribute to your future retirement.

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When you join the monotax as a self-employed worker, you have the right and obligation to choose and pay for the social work from the list of the Superintendence of Health Services.

But, if you also work in an employee relationship – in addition to being a single-payer -, you only have to pay the tax component, since the employer is required to pay social security and social contributions.

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List of social works to join when signing the single tax.List of social works to join when signing the single tax.

The amount for social assistance is included in the payment of the monthly single tax.

It should be remembered that social security institutions are social security institutions, financed through compulsory contributions from workers and employers, subject to state control.

Its purpose is the provision of health and social services to beneficiaries, who have the possibility to choose to affiliate with the institution that will provide these services.

Is social service mandatory for the monotax?

The answer is yes, but in cases where the simple worker does not do so even in an employment relationship.

In this case, the employer will already contribute the amount of tax corresponding to social work and pension.

According to the information on the website of the Federal Administration of Public Revenues (Afip), at the time of accreditation you will be able to freely choose one of the social works “with the exception of PAMI and those in crisis”.

The AFIP.  Photo: archive.The AFIP. Photo: archive.

For this reason, it is specified that an election form for social assistance must be completed, in triplicate, accompanied by: “Original and photocopy of the last payment receipt; Original and photocopy of the DNI and completed form 184/F”.

The beneficiary must complete his/her membership by completing the registration process with social assistance. If you become part of the primary family group, the kinship must be proven by means of the relevant certificate.

If you do not respect the obligation to choose a social service, you must choose one, providing for the immediate fulfillment of this choice, in order to access the health service (Resolution no. 667/2004 – SSSALUD).

For the process of change social workthe AFIP foresees that it can be carried out at the headquarters of the new social work or online.

To carry out the online procedure it is necessary to have a tax code with security level 3 and the “My SSHealth” enabled. Once inside the service, click on the “New option” button and complete the data requested by the system.

The change can only be made once a year (from January to December). Anyone who changes social services must remain affiliated for at least 1 year. After this period, they will be able to exercise the exchange option again.

What is monotax?

This is a simplified scheme that allows low-income workers, professionals and traders to join the formal economy and carry out social welfare activities, issue invoices and contribute to their future pension.

With the payment of a single monthly installment the fiscal obligations of national taxes (VAT and Profit) are fulfilled, while the gross profit must be paid separately, paid by the Provinces.

The amount to be paid for each month of single tax will depend on the category assignedwhich is established based on the annual billing parameters, the surface area affected by the activity, the electricity consumed and the rental costs of the commercial premises.

Single-tax workers are also self-employed, but their income cannot exceed a certain annual maximum.

Source: Clarin

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