Home Business How to retire on the day of the 60th birthday for women and 65 for men

How to retire on the day of the 60th birthday for women and 65 for men

How to retire on the day of the 60th birthday for women and 65 for men

How to retire on the day of the 60th birthday for women and 65 for men

You can go without a shift to the Anses unit closest to your home on the day of your birthday to begin the process. Photo Guillermo Rodriguez Adami

“On your birthday (60 if you are a girl and 65 if you are a boy) you can get close to no turn to the nearest ANSeS office to receive advice and start your process retirement ”.

Those who meet on weekends or holidays may appear, without a shift, any day of the next week.

In this way, ANSeS launched the “Now, retirement is easier” program, as expected Clarion two weeks ago.

It is estimated that 1,000 people a day meet with retirement age.

Counseling also covers people affected by moratorium in effect and meet the requirements to calculate the years of contributions by “care activities” (mothers with sons).

The program has two variants:

  • preference care for those who attend their retirement on the day they reach retirement age. “Women attending on their 60th birthday, and men on their 65th birthday, should not request an appointment. It is enough for them to show up at the UDAI closest to their home carrying the IDand if they meet all other requirements, on the same day you can go with him now the retirement process has begun”, They assured the pension agency.
  • On the other hand, ANSeS will communicate via an SMS message to people who will be 60 or 65 years old in the coming months (depending on whether they are male or female), which will be invited to attend at the UDAI closest to their homes where they will be arranged weekly, Friday, counseling meetings on the necessary requirements for retirement.

    At these meetings, people will be able to clarify their doubts, explain to them how to consult the work history at MI ANSES, where the contributions entered into the system are recorded, they are invited to update data in the registration system from that platform, including the upload of sons and daughters for mothers who will identify years of service through the Recognition of Contributions for Care Activities.

Aside from age, other needs this is with 30 years or more of contributions. In the case of workers in a dependency relationship, if any unpaid contributions at ANSeS, they can present trialssuch as salary receipts, certificates of services and compensation or work book.

No queue: Anses promised the process would be short.  Photo Guillermo Rodriguez Adami

No queue: Anses promised the process would be short. Photo Guillermo Rodriguez Adami

“The goal is for those who want it, they can promote the creation of its “previsional folder” to reach the date where they actually turn 60 or 65 with all the necessary documentation and avoid delays in carrying out the procedures. And that is to carry out the retirement procedure, like any other procedure conducted in ANSES, is freeno need to head to expenses, or hire professionals or managers to intervene ”, they pointed out to ANSes.

Then in about 60 days they will start collecting retirement retroactive on birthdays.


Source: Clarin


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