The YPF raised the price of fuel again. Photo: Orlando Pelichotti/ Los Andes
YPF rose on Monday to 11.5% fuel and diesel prices selling in the country, following adjustments made by major marketers over the weekend.
It’s about third fuel price increase in 2022, which accrued in the year an increase of 21% for super variety and exceeded 40% for premium products.
As the oil company explained in a statement, the increase “allows avoid widening the price gap already in competition. Prior to this increase, it was between 7 and 12% and resulted in increased demand for the YPF network, generating significant product breaks across its system. ”
On Sunday, Axion and Shell raised fuel prices between 10.5% and 12% average.
Unlike previous instances, where YPF first raised prices and was later followed by other companies, the state-majority shareholder company changed the values 24 hours after the two private companies negotiated. oil. an average increase of 11%.
The increase was applied on Monday This is 9.5% for super gasoline and 9.9% for standard diesel, while in eIn the case of premium fuel, the increase is 11.5% and 13.9% for premium diesel. This means that the price increase applied by the YPF is 9% on average for the country.

The YPF raised the price of fuel. service station in the city of Buenos Aires. Picture Maxi Failla.
In the City of Buenos Aires, YPF fuels will cost (in all cases per liter): $ 120.30 for excess fuel; $ 147.30 for various Infinia; $ 113.40 for diesel; and $ 145.90 for premium diesel.
In the case of Axion, its super naphtha is sold at Buenos Aires service stations at a cost of $ 122.7 per liter; Quantium gasoline at $ 150.2; the Diesel X10 at $ 120.3; and the Quantium diesel at $ 144.3.
And for Raizen-Shell, Shell V-Power fuel costs $ 149.5 per liter; extra gasoline, $ 123.2; the Shell V-Power diesel, $ 145.2; and the Shell Evolux Diesel, $ 118.2.
YPF explained that last month there was very high demand for fuels, especially diesel, when it reached the “month with the highest demand in history”, and it featured the company that “made the most effort to guarantee supply, plus 75 % of the additional volume required in April compared to March ´22 ”.
The new rise in bombs, third this yearoccurs amid rising international oil prices, which increases the cost of imported gasoline and premium diesel, among others.
In addition, in our country there is a greater demand for fuel compared to the past two years, when restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic restricted the movement of people, something that caused a cost gap due to the impact of inflation. .
Meanwhile, this week the National Statistics and Census Index (INDEC) will release the inflation figure for April, which according to estimates by private analysts will again be at 6%. In March, the Consumer Price Index registered an increase of 6.7%, and this year it is accumulating an increase of 16.1%.
“After this adjustment, we will continue to monitor the evolution of variables affecting price formation, the behavior of competition, always taking into account the particularities of the country’s macroeconomic context and the international reality,” he concluded. YPF in its statement.
Source: Clarin