SMVM’s $ 45,540 increase from June 1 affects several social benefits, Photo: Guillermo Rodriguez Adami – FTP CLARIN GRA_6323.jpg Z
Two days before the inflation data for April was known, the national government decided on Tuesday to advance the increases in Minimum, Vital and Mobile Salary until June, also responding to a request from Máximo Kirchner. SMVM’s $ 45,540 increase on June 1 affects several social benefits modified according to reference income.
After the decision signed by the Minister of Labor, Claudio Moroni, was implemented in Resolution 6/2022 published this Wednesday in the Official Gazette, to advance increases in the minimum, essential and mobile wage scheduled for 2022, the values of Development Scholarships, Job Promotions, Unemployment Insurance ….
Minimum salary, vital and movil
- Since June 1, the SMVM will remain at $ 45,540 for monthly workers and the amount of time for day-to-day workers it will be $ 227.70.
- Since August 1, the minimum wage would be $ 47,850 for the monthly worker and the amount of time for the daily worker remains the same at $ 239.30.
After these adjustments, how are the benefits paid by the body under the direction of Fernanda Raverta.
Development Scholarships
Progresar Scholarships — a subsidy designed for high school or university students to support their academic training — will increase: the maximum it is at $ 116,820 of total revenue and will increase to $ 136,620 in June na $ 143,550 in August.
Unemployment benefits
The minimum and maximum values remainn $ 12,650 and $ 21,083, respectively, on June 1, 2022. And in August they will be $ 13,292 and $ 22,153respectively.
Strengthen Work
In June, Job Promotion beneficiaries (who receive an amount calculated based on half an SMVyM for four hours of work) will begin charging $ 22,270 in June and $ 23,925 in August.

AUH increase
Included Program
The Accompany program of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity provides value for six months to people who prove they are in a situation of sexual violence is equal to the sum of a vital and mobile minimum wage. In this way, the amount ranged from $ 38,940 to $ 45,540 in June and $ 47,850 in August.

Retirements are rising
On Tuesday, ANSeS reported that retirement, pensions and universal allowances are tied to the social security mobility formula. will increase by 15% from June 1.
At 15% pension increase, the lowest credit from $ 32,630 it will increase to approximately $ 37,525. PUAM from $ 26,104 to $ 30,020. Non-contributory pension from $ 22,841 to $ 26,267. And the maximum credit from $ 219,572 to $ 252,508.
This increase included 18 million people because it also includes Family Allowances, Universal Child Allowance (AUH), non-contributory pensions and PUAM (universal pension for the elderly). And it should apply from June 1 to August 31.
This increase does not include retirees and pensioners of special regimes, such as teachers, university teachers, Luz y Fuerza, Judicial Power, with their own indices.
The increase is applied to pension amounts for March-May, excluding the $ 6,000 bonus in April and the $ 12,000 bonus in May because they are not combined when there is current.
Source: Clarin