Home Business The economics of healthy living, a debate among specialists

The economics of healthy living, a debate among specialists

The economics of healthy living, a debate among specialists

The economics of healthy living, a debate among specialists

The coming World, debate on healthy living. Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros

In Argentina, 7 out of 10 people eat meat. But there are 25% of the population that belong to the category called today “flexitarians”, that is, they try to reduce the amount of food of animal origin. This is a sign of how life habits change nowadays, where well -being is the focus.

the This is the topic that will face the table “A healthy life”, organized by Clarín and in which CABA Secretary of Transportation, Manuela López Menéndez, will participate; the consumption specialist Guillermo Oliveto; the director of Public Affairs of Danone, Diego Buranello; the OSDE emergency medical deputy manager; Mariano Allende Iriarte, and the Marketing Director of Burger King Argentina, Nicolas Iribarne.

Veganism, outdoor gym, meditation, hiking, plant-based food restaurant, more emphasis on disease prevention they are already part of the daily agenda of the Argentines.

theBefore the pandemic, they were held in the City of Buenos Aires 320,000 annual bicycle rides; after the pandemic, the number grew to 420,000. Not just sustainable transportation, but an additional quota of exercise for a population that is more aware of its health.

This is the agenda that will face the “A healthy life” conversation. The event is the second of the cycle “The Coming World” 12 dialogues between company directors, officials, social leaders, prominent experts and entrepreneurs, led by journalists from Clarion.

They are conversations seeking explore the keys to the future, examine what are the challenges companies face today in changing contemporary reality.

The debate is will broadcast on Thursday 12 at 7:00 pm streaming on the Clarín.com page. The contents will be shared simultaneously on social networks and later on the website and the print edition of the newspaper.

The cycle has primary support from DESA, OSDE, Macro, Telecom and the Buenos Aires City government, in addition to Afarte sponsorship.

Despite the greater awareness of the population about their health, about the search for a healthy life, the results are not visible in the total number of countries.

This is 41.5% of men and 46.6% of women in the country do little or no physical activity according to INDEC data. The same organization noted that while the WHO recommends 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables, Argentine children consume 1.9; and those older than 50 years, 2.2.

Thus, while in 2005 14.6% of the country’s population was considered obese, in 2018 (latest official figure), the percentage rose to 25.3%, representing a growth of 75 percent.

This is the agenda that the panelists will debate in the talk called by Clarín this Thursday:

  • Manuela Lopez Menendez He is Secretary of Transportation and Public Works of the City Government of Buenos Aires. An economist graduated from UCA, he studied Urban Planning and Regional Development in the United States and worked in the public sector since 1998. Between 2009 and 2015, he organized Metrobus works at CABA. Between 2015 and 2019 he was Secretary of Labor of the Ministry of Transportation of the Country. And between 2020 and 2021 he served as president of the Subterráneos de Buenos Aires
  • William Olivet She is the founder of Consultora W. She holds a degree in Business Administration from UBA, and is a Specialist in Consumption and Social Humor, as well as a Strategic Business Advisor. He is the author of 4 books, the most recent of which is “Argenchip, how we are and how we think Argentines”.
  • Nicholas Iribarne is director of Marketing Burger King Argentina. He holds a doctorate in Administration from Universidad Católica Argentina and completed a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Universidad del Salvador. He is currently studying for a Master’s in Marketing and Communication at the University of San Andrés.
  • Mariano Allende Iriarte He is the deputy medical manager of OSDE emergency. He worked in that department for 12 years. He is a Pediatrician, graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad del Salvador in 1993. He trained as a pediatrician at Ricardo Gutiérrez Children’s Hospital
  • Diego Burano He is Director of Public Affairs at Danone Argentina. He is a political scientist, with over 25 years of experience in communications and public affairs in both the public and private sectors. Prior to his current position at Danone, he had previous steps in the energy sector with YPF, consulting and public communications.

Source: Clarin


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